Solar Power


Senior Member
Mar 17, 2009
I want to install solar power. There are so many set ups out there. I am looking for something That will replace my Honda generator and use solar to run the 12 volt frig while driving. I would like it to charge the batteries quicker then a trickle charge. Is there any thing out there like that. I am not a very skilled in this area. Any help would be great....
MXVP, How many amps does your frige draw a day? The solar panel or panels that you buy will only charge about 6 hours a day so you will have to size them accordingly. You will also need enough battery storage so that they do not get drawn down past 50% overnight and preferably not past 30% for the best battery life.
Get us some info on your usage a day and we can probably figure it out. Don't forget what your heater, pump, lights etc. draw.

jim, Not an expert but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
Like Jimmy says, you need to figure out your power requirements. Here is a great post with a solar calculator. solar spreadsheet I modified it after I downloaded it to match my equipment. You dont half to be an electrical expert, but you need to understand how to calculate power consumption from your devices to be able to use the spreadsheet. If you know the wattage, volts and amps it is just simple math (ohmn's law). After you figure out your consumption, you can select the proper size panel and batterey for your camper. This should get you in the right direction. Let us know if that helped you any. -skeeter
Like Jimmy says, you need to figure out your power requirements. Here is a great post with a solar calculator. solar spreadsheet I modified it after I downloaded it to match my equipment. You dont half to be an electrical expert, but you need to understand how to calculate power consumption from your devices to be able to use the spreadsheet. If you know the wattage, volts and amps it is just simple math (ohmn's law). After you figure out your consumption, you can select the proper size panel and batterey for your camper. This should get you in the right direction. Let us know if that helped you any. -skeeter

the fridge type is really important....

if its a gas adsorption unit that also runs on propane....forget draws over a 100 watts.
if its a compressor fridge then look up the specs and see what the current draw is.
Thanks for the help. I will start my work on the spread sheet and see how far I get. I will be back soon. I need to learn ohms LAW.

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