Frozen weather, frozen stuff. Is it still functional?


Lady Bug
Aug 16, 2015
Carbondale, IL
I wasn't sure where to park this thread, so here it is.

I forgot to take out a bunch of stuff when this sub-zero cold spell set in here in Missouri last week.
(I really need to get back to the SW :) Seriously, it's -8°F here today, with a -16°F windchill! WTH?)

All these things froze solid.
I remembered that they were in the camper, and brought them inside the other day.
But wonder if they will be okay for use?

Bear spray
Medical kit (which includes neosporin, pink stuff, bandaids, alcohol rubs, some meds, etc),
Off! bug spray
Olive oil and some other packaged foods. (I assume those are all okay.)
Sun screen
Dishwashing liquid ("Dawn", of course!)
Kindle and camera seem okay.
Headlamp and other battery-powered things light flashlights and lanterns (haven't tried yet)
Morning frozen one
You could email the manufacturer, on some of that. Like the bear spray, I would think it's gunna work, but I always surprised how stuff reacts to being frozen. Would hate to spray a bear, just to watch'em lick their lips.
CougarCouple said:
Would hate to spray a bear, just to watch'em lick their lips.
When I was in 6th grade the class bully was walking through our classroom shoving people out of his way, often they'd end up shoved so hard they'd fall down to the ground. That pissed me off.

I picked up a chair and threw it at him with all my might!
(Mind you, I was the shortest person in my class, but I had a temper and hated bullie

... he caught it and laughed at me.

I ran out of the room and went into the bathroom and cried because I was so frustrated.

We all have our bears.... ha! (I just don't want it to be a real one!)

(I will email the manufacturer. That's a good idea! Thanks! :) )
Out of habit always check and change the batteries for the lamps, flashlights and the like. Most of the things that freeze up will thaw out and be okay-never thought about the bear spay before, -maybe I should see if it works before I get a surprise if I need it. I always also make sure to check house batteries and solar meters-make sure nothing went dead on me. Check for mold on things like blankets, sleeping bag, and behind the lift panels and places that could get wet and freeze then thaw (like happened to me last year when moisture got in and the ceiling froze to sleeping bag/comforter/foam rubber sleeping mat and the wooden bed base board-fun-fun-fun and wrote it up for this site).

Mold?!?! I didn't have to deal with that in the dry SW. Argh.

Good reminder! I'm horribly allergic to mold, mildew, etc. Ugh.

How'd you deal with that? What does one do post-freezing weather? Open it all up and wipe it all down? Is that enough?
For peace of mind you should probably replace the stuff in the medical kit. Probably doesn't hurt to refresh it anyhow.
Bear sprays can become compromised if the seal that holds the propellant (usually nitrogen) deteriorates. This reduces the ability of the product to project the spray effectively when you really need it. For this reason, you should replace your bear spray:
  • after it has been discharged for any reason
  • if it has been left in extreme temperatures (above 50° C or below freezing)
  • if the can has passed its expiry date (usually 4 years)
Check on my post and the replys for 1 March 2017 "Roof Leak-------stupidity.". lucky for me it happened in my drive way and not out in the boonies, so I could plug in a couple of space heaters to thaw it out. They make some mold stuff you can spay (I used 409 cleaner) on after you wipe it down. I ended up repainting the lift panels and bunk area/ceiling supports It took a couple of days, Hoyden to clean everything up-it had never happened to me before in the previous 11 years-so I check it all the time now.

Well bother. Bear spray ain't cheap. Oh well. Live and learn!

I'll check your post Smoke! I have 409 Cleaner, so that's good. Ugh.
Yet another argument for getting back to the SW. ;)
My Bear spray doesn't freeze, have 3 cans in the truck and camper and you can still shake them and feel that they are liquid. I think yours will be fine. I have test fired after they've been frozen, they still work. Ron
hoyden said:
Bear spray
Medical kit (which includes neosporin, pink stuff, bandaids, alcohol rubs, some meds, etc),
Off! bug spray
Olive oil and some other packaged foods. (I assume those are all okay.)
Sun screen
Dishwashing liquid ("Dawn", of course!)
Kindle and camera seem okay.
Headlamp and other battery-powered things light flashlights and lanterns (haven't tried yet)
-9º w/ -17º WC in Duluth right now, -20º w/ -43º WC last night. I've been told it builds character (and keeps the riffraff out). :p

  • Bear spray - high temperatures or freezing will accelerate loss of effectiveness, might loose some distance. If it is more than 3 years old it should be replaced anyway; use it for practice if it still sprays.
  • Meds - check each individually to see if they tolerate freezing.
  • Off! - if it sprays it should be OK. It might crystalize in freezing temps and need to be shaken for a while to reabsorb. Can should have an expiration date.
  • Food - cans will bulge when frozen, OK unless seal is broken. Taste and/or texture may change.
  • Sunscreen - should be OK. Degrades with age. Might separate when frozen and need to be remixed. Should replace yearly if you are very sensitive to sun or go to high altitudes.
  • Batteries - should be OK unless bulged. Cheap to replace.

jim (cuddling with the beagle to keep warm)
Supposed to be -10 tonight! I've got enough character! Ha!

I'll see if the bear spray sprays and then use it as a practice can, and buy a new one for actual use if ever needed!
Yeah, the sunscreen will need replaced. I burn easily, so don't wanna mess with that. Lame cuz I barely used it this last year.

My doggies are both curled up on the sofa right now. I'm at my desk trying to be productive and write, and I want to understand how to do stock market, so doin' some learnin' but it's rather dull, so I keep coming here and Facebook. :D
Holy crap it's cold out there. I just bundled up in my snow suit, snow boots, hat and gloves to go into my camper and get more stuff out of it (blanket, etc) and found the table top that I had lying on the floor ice-glued to the floor! I pulled it up, and discovered ice on the front of the camper floor - like water leaked and gathered there then froze. Hoping it was from a water bottle and not from a burst water pipe. I did let the water out of my camper and ran the water pump before weather turned really cold, but....

I was out there for probably five minutes, if that, and my fingers started aching in that "we're too damn cold" ache. I went back inside and warmed them back up under some cool, then slightly warmer, water. Whoa. I went back out and chipped all the ice away and swept it outside. That was another 10 mins and fingers said "nope". Luckily, I got all the ice chipped away. Crossing fingers it wasn't indicative of a bigger problem.

Do I need to worry about the gas lines cracking? Yikes.
Years ago, some recommended storing alkaline batteries in the freezer to extend shelf life. We did that with no apparent ill effect but market competition drove mfg to extend shelf life to 10 years at room temp storage so don't bother any more.

We left bed with sleeping bag & down throw spread out with top down and got some mold on wooden ceiling trim. Washed bag & throw & left mattress in sun for couple of days. Now, as recommended in another WtW thread, we remove bedding & mattress & store in house to allow air gap in cabover area. No mold so far.

We have a small oil filled 700 watt electric radiator with thermostat that we leave on during extended cold with all cabinets open. This lets the Iota/IQ4 maintain the batteries also. Keeps camper interior in high 30's to low 40's so nothing I forgot to remove freezes.

Bother, I shoulda done that (put a little radiator inside). Probably too late now tho considering it's been below zero and in single digits for days now. :(
I'll have to pop-up in order to get the bed cushions out. Don't think I can do that til it warms up enough that my hands don't freeze. Or maybe I'll see if I can do it with my winter motorcycle gloves on. hm.

My poor camper getting more beat up going unused in Midwest winter than in my six months full-time living in it!
Slightly off topic but kinda relevant: I'm allergic to mold too, when it started cropping up in my little house I wiped it off the ceiling/walls with tea tree oil ( diluted of course.) Worked great, though for a really moldy job I'd probably combo 409 or something of the sort and follow through with a tea tree wipe down. For those small enclosed spaces the smell can be nicer.

Good luck!!!
Hoyden, did you winterize with RV antifreeze? The water tank will hold 2 gallons and water will probably be in the pump, and lines, as well as the hot water tank. Your water tank may have cracked from expanding ice. I probably have 4 gallons of RV antifreeze in the tank, lines, and hot water tank. Keep your fingers crossed. You will have to test everything in the spring. jd
I'd have to say that you've got a frozen and busted water pump among other things, that water came from something. Apparently it froze previously and thawed, made the mess and then refroze. If someone is getting mold in there camper then there has to be a moisture problem. My camper is out in my drive, it's 0 degrees and everything is bone dry including under the mattress. Ron
There was a half full water bottle on the floor (plastic, like you buy at gas station). I'm hoping it came from that.
The amount of ice looked like it could easily have been that half-water bottle amount. Crossing fingers.

I didn't put antifreeze in, but I did drain the tank and ran the pump to get the water out before it got cold here.

Stoopid Midwest. Stoopid colder-than-its-been-in-years-winter.
Oooh, that's right! Tea tree oil is antimicrobial! I've read that it's good for cleaning like that. Thanks for the reminder, Moose Dog!
Mine is stored outside and dry as a bone. I never leave it parked without airing it out 1st.

This is a big reason I didn't want onboard water to deal with in mine. Your dish soao will turn white and frothey when it thaws but will still be fine. Most things will. Just don't try the aerosols until well thawed.
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