Stew descending from the summit of  the Grand Teton
Dughlas Stiubhart

Stew descending from the summit of the Grand Teton

Photo by Randall Osterhuber
Great photo Stew! The Lady talks of climbing the Grand so it is appropriately on our "to do" list. History tidbit is that a banjo picker named Billy Briggs was the first to do a ski descent from the summit.
Thanks, Ski, but I clearly can't take credit for the composition of this photo.

The summit of the Grand Teton is indeed a worthy goal. We went up on Glen Exum's classic ridge. It was a cold outing with thunder, lightning and graupel before dawn, and then light snow on and off all day. In the photo, I am rappeling the normal descent route to the right of Spaulding's route.

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Grand Teton National Park
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Dughlas Stiubhart
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