Stew Cooking Outside His Camper
Dughlas Stiubhart

Stew Cooking Outside His Camper

The South Face of Denali and Cassin Ridge rise behind.
Good looking mountaineer there Stew. The Kelty jackets and the boots (we remember these) make just the proper fashion statement!
Indeed, a fashion statement! Kelty had helped foot the bill for the hike and we were all wearing prototype Kelty gear, sleeping in Kelty bags and tents, and pulling Kelty sledges. Too bad all I got to keep was the water bottle comfy between my legs. :) I still have those oh so beautiful Koflach boots and they still get used now and then during these Rocky Mnt winters.

After looking at other pics, I've decided that behind me is the entire South Face of Denali with the Cassin Ridge running up the center to the summit. Didn't know that until after I posted this photo, 3pin.
Gnarly dude. My buddy did Denali not so long ago, non-guided.
I used to think I was ready for it, but can't hack the cold with my fingers anymore :sneaky:

Those are some classic Koflach's. I used my Scarpa Inverno's on the Mexican volcano's back in the day . . . Still got'em of course. He who dies with the most boots wins!

My favorite boots were leather Habeler Super-Lights, with stiff, wood insoles. I wore them for many years in the '80s until the wood cracked in one boot; after that they lost stiffness and squeeked on every step.

Don't they still make Invernos? At least Scrapa hasn't gone bust like Koflach.


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Denali National Park
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Dughlas Stiubhart
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