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    • H
      This is quite an adventure! I was able to get there thanks to the help of some amazing locals. I went via Grouse Creek Road .. from 80...
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    • H
      Hockey18 replied to the thread Tri-point advice.
      Yes! GA-NC-SC is a great walk through Ellicott Rock Wilderness ... when you get to the spot, the rock where Andrew Ellicott marked the...
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      Hockey18 replied to the thread Tri-point advice.
      Thanks! The NC-VA-TN was tough; the first time I got there too late and did not want to make that hike in the dark. The second time was...
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      • NE-SD-WY-1.jpeg
    • H
      Hockey18 replied to the thread Tri-point advice.
      Thanks! Have been excited to make may trips out west to see the beauty of it all. This was from my trip to AZ-NV-UT. It is a stunning...
      • AZ-NV-UT-1.jpeg
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      • AZ-NV-UT-9.jpeg
    • H
      Hockey18 posted the thread Tri-point advice in Trip Planning.
      I'm looking to continue my journey to visit the tri-points (and geographical centers) of the west. Had the chance to go to AZ-NV-UT...
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