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  1. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West What do you leave to occupy your site?

    Cheap garage sale easy pop-up tent.
  2. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Would you buy another fwc

    If the camper will be a "fixed install" then consider the flat bed Hawk. It has a ton of storage under the over-the-cab-bed. And then we have four outside aluminum boxes that are all full too. But my unit would be a nightmare to get on and off. I'll sell the combo as a unit...
  3. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West So did I ruin my batteries?

    My thanks to you both! Will print this out and I promise (on this camper and if not my next build) to include roof solar and a good battery monitor! (Of course then I would have to actually learn how to read/interpret it!)
  4. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West So did I ruin my batteries?

    So help me out here, Vic. I totally plan to get a Trimetric battery monitor. But just for this three week road trip what is an approximate and general voltage level I should try and keep my batteries above? 12.50, 12.30, 12.10, 11.90, etc? Many thanks from a CED (Certified Electrical Dummy)...
  5. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West So did I ruin my batteries?

    So one more question from the Electrically Uninitiated: "Just how low can I let my batteries fall overnight before starting the truck to recharge them to keep them from danger?" Life can be so complicated... :)
  6. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West So did I ruin my batteries?

    THANKS to all concerned. And yes, I will be more careful and watch my $7.99 volt meter like a hawk! (I really want to add roof solar going forward.)
  7. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West So did I ruin my batteries?

    OK, kinda embarrassing on two levels: 1) Preparing for our (starting out this Thursday) 3 week Oregon/ Idaho/ Montana/ Wyoming road trip I went to buy gas Saturday. Came back home and re-plugged the shore connection in. (I thought) But today two days later I noticed my primitive cigarette...
  8. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Durango to Denver with a 17 day "detour" along the way.

    Thanks! Actually we spent three days camped at Page Springs 2 years ago. We almost always boondock but it is a nice CG. And we did the exact same canal walk you describe with great bird watching results. I'm wavering on stopping at Malheur/ Steens this trip. Great stuff (and the Steens road was...
  9. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Durango to Denver with a 17 day "detour" along the way.

    Do you ever sleep, Foy? :) We are interested in taking (reasonable and "worthwhile") spur roads off the Magruder. We've finally (after way too much rushing about and 16 hour days driving) arrived at the "less is more" philosophy. (Even though the total mileage of this 3 week trip will probably...
  10. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Durango to Denver with a 17 day "detour" along the way.

    I hope it keeps raining up there, Foy! :) Seriously, I (and my guess is many others) are very appreciative of your efforts. And if your friend took his Class C RV UP from Shoup I better be able to take a 4WD 3/4 Ram down it or just hang up my transfer case! Now how about all you other SE...
  11. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Durango to Denver with a 17 day "detour" along the way.

    So Foy, I painstakingly highlighted the entire route on my Idaho and Montana Benchmarks. (An exercise in itself!) So are there any refueling options on the actual route or is the first one Salmon or North Fork? I guess I could run out to HWY 93 on Forest Service road 468 before heading south...
  12. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Fire ring anyone got ideas

    The whole fire ring topic got me to thinking. We've always used existing rings and follow the "leave no trace" principle of doing without if we camp in a "pristine spot". However, Sioux does love her campfire. So bopping around on Amazon I found this. I like it for the compact storing...
  13. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Durango to Denver with a 17 day "detour" along the way.

    WOW, Foy! This is so very nice of you. And exactly what we're looking for- insider advice from a seasoned local expert! My guess is we'll follow your route exactly. I was looking for a lengthy, multi-day "off-the-grid" expedition run and your addition to the Magruder appears to fit the bill...
  14. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Durango to Denver with a 17 day "detour" along the way.

    Dear WTW "Brain Trust" It started out as a Grand Circle Road Trip. I had a Early August seminar in Seattle and then two weeks later an August 22-23 seminar in Denver. So why not take three weeks and drive it? (Slowly) Well, the Seattle seminar cancelled but we are still leaving Durango next...
  15. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West FWC or ATC - Opinions? Facts?

    After many years of backpacking and over 5,000 miles of multi-day rafting trips I still get a warm tingle when I flip the switch and hear my hot water heater kick on!
  16. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Approach to Planning, researching road(s) & trips

    Lots of good points here. For me, the perfect trip is where we see incredible scenery, not a human, great birding and I never "have to" engage my 4WD. (But it is very comforting to know it is there.) Same principle on my hitch mounted 10,000# Warn winch. And the long handled shovel, chain saw...
  17. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West supporting camper

    One tip if you do move the truck during the day. (which I agree is much more efficient than taking the camper off) If you want the same site that evening bring a small pop-up tent with you to "hold your site" while you are gone.
  18. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West This is embarrassing! San Juan National Forest, CO

    Nice. I hasn't thought of the Piedra for camping. A long, long time ago in another life a friend and I tried rafting Lower and Upper Box of the Piedra in my cataraft and lost all four oars we were carrying. That was back when we were young and foolish versus old and...
  19. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West This is embarrassing! San Juan National Forest, CO

    So Sioux and I have lived in Durango, CO (off and on) since 1976. And we have camped a lot BUT always backpacking or lately in a 4WD FWC waaaaay off road! So now we have relatives from Kansas coming in this weekend with a 4WD PU dragging a very low clearance tent trailer that want to do...
  20. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Portable Solar vs Roof solar

    Excellent post, Jim. Wish I had read it before ordering my two different hawks over the last five years! X2 on just buying the factory solar and being done with it! :)
  21. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Froli Sleep System - An initial review

    Thanks, Eddie. So does anyone have the Froli Travel? Does it keep your hips from bottoming out? I'd prefer keeping the extra 3/8" for the sleeping bag but REALLY want Sioux's hips to be comfortable!
  22. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"

    Sioux is constantly picking up and carrying out trash. I drew the line at dog turds though!
  23. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Froli Sleep System - An initial review

    OK, so I'm ready to pull the trigger on either the Froli "Travel" (1 3/8" thick) or the Froli "Star" (1 3/4" thick). On our 2015 FB Hawk we have a little over 3" of space between the ceiling and our standard mattress that does have a 1" WalMart "eggshell" topper inserted into the fabric...
  24. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Push me over, or steer me away, from the edge - Hawk Flatbed

    Comments in CAPS All of that said, Adam, we love our FB Hawk. At the risk of ticking off a lot of slide in folks the perceived space and ergonomic improvements of a FB are huge. However, for my next build I'm wavering between a FB Grandby on a F-350 chassis cab (impeccable build quality) or the...
  25. DU

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Anatomy of a Hawk Flat Bed Build.

    Correct. Everyone will work in steel. Few will do custom aluminum fabrication. By far the biggest challenge of my project. Fortunately I did find a good company 50 miles away.
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