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  1. LuckyDan

    What Gives You Sticker Shock?

    Yup, the old 91250 Diesel I drive now will probably be the only Diesel I'll ever personally own. Fortunately/unfortunately my professional life affords me a much newer Diesel to drive so I really do know what I'm missing.
  2. LuckyDan

    What do?! Sell or store motorcycle?!

    If you are really considering a CT consider the CT110. IIRC the 110 is still produced and sold in the foreign markets and I'd guess more serviceable as the 110 was the last to be sold domestically. My family had a couple, a 90 and 110 in my youth. We used them for irrigation and general farm...
  3. LuckyDan

    gap between top of truck and camper

    This is the one I was thinking of:
  4. LuckyDan

    gap between top of truck and camper

    The basket and fairing is one approach, and Buckland offered the solar panel storage idea. Someone on here mounted custom rotopax can holders to the cabover of the camper to hold a couple of cans.
  5. LuckyDan

    Bear spray vs a gun

    Of equal interest to me was the other article about the faux campsite visit:
  6. LuckyDan

    Used Camper Alert Thread

    Two flags other than those already mentioned: #1 an e-mail only reply option #2 307 area code on the invoice is not Oregon, it's Wyoming. Though in the current era of cell phones being being ones only phone that has less weight than it used too. Yup caution is advised
  7. LuckyDan

    What do?! Sell or store motorcycle?!

    As I'm old enough, unplugged enough and frankly eccentric enough that social media is something I generally do without, thus the following. I wish you well in the selling of your VZuk and your forth coming travels. May the road always rise to meet you.
  8. LuckyDan

    Cargo Trailer?

    Yup the "haul it all" and storage in general is IMO one of the biggest drawbacks to the FWC's. I pull a trailer or a boat frequently and one of the big reasons I have my FWC. I will say though the trailer is typically pulled when the trip is a focused one, ie I know where I'm going and what...
  9. LuckyDan

    Duluth Minnesota

    Didn't recognize the place without snow on top of it :). Nice report and even better photos.
  10. LuckyDan

    Off road + ice chest + glass bottles

    Drink all beverages prior to departure. Driving under the influence is against the law. Plan accordingly ;) ! Good luck in your search for a solution.
  11. LuckyDan

    Hawk vs Grandby

    I have the Grandby and would have gotten a Keystone if I could have found one in the neighborhood at the time. Space, IMO is the biggest complaint people have in general with FWC campers. To answer your question, I've been in my Grandby as well as others, a few Hawks and two Keystones. I...
  12. LuckyDan

    How many nights do you spend in your rig?

    I'm in the don't count and not enough catagory too. ;) I work full time in natural resource mgt. Depending on the field season demands I do better some year than others. Using an October to October year my longest time out this year was 8 nights. after that it's weekends here and there...
  13. LuckyDan

    Air Rescue Helicopters

    Having lived in a rural community for a decade with no trauma surgeon, having access to the air ambulance and/or helicopter is critical and is a literal life saver for many. The service we had there was called FireMed and bought you the local EMS ambulance, the air ambulance/helicopter and...
  14. LuckyDan

    Trailer Fest Tower Park Oct 2014

    I sincerely hope it was followed by the "Your Mother is going to be alright speech" Take care
  15. LuckyDan

    A Cool Camp Shower Idea

    Now that's a little different, isn't it. Thanks for sharing....
  16. LuckyDan

    Locking your camper off truck to prevent theft

    I'd think locking the jack stands so the camper cannot be easily raised or lowered. The problem of course is the drilling holes through the legs and maybe finding a lock that would fit around them and assuming you leave the jacks on.
  17. LuckyDan

    The Old Fleet Just Keeps Going

    Nice to read another "Vintage" owner is having success with their FWC. So how was the hunt?
  18. LuckyDan

    Using a camper off truck while at camp?

    I'm the rare one here that has done it. That said I'll explain: I've dropped mine a few times for various reasons. While not a big hassle it's a hassle none the less. For it to work, as previously mentioned, you'll need to figure out a system to place it on and the jacks will need to go with...
  19. LuckyDan

    Changed trucks, now have to move the Hawk

    In the old days we called that getting hussled. At the least I'd shop the work around. Congratulations on your new Ford.
  20. LuckyDan

    CB Radio

    Ham or Family Radio System, (FRS) have really cut into the CB territory. I do have an antique Radio Shack and CS60 mag mount as the log trucks in my neck of the woods still use them to communicate where they are on the haul roads.
  21. LuckyDan

    Sears Diehard Batteries Problems?

    Me Too...
  22. LuckyDan

    Buy FWC, Quit Jobs, Drive to Argentina

    First let me offer my congratulations for taking "The Plunge" to living on purpose. While I have not done what you are proposing, I have lived out of a couple RV's in field work camps neumerous times, own a Grandby and have done enough extended trips to offer the following: The three way...
  23. LuckyDan

    Rotopax gas tank mount

    A bigger OEM replacement source Aint cheap but a good tank Yup, I remember when gas went to $.78 cents for 91 octane we thought the world as we knew it would end
  24. LuckyDan

    Best cell phone carrier for "wandering"?

    Galaxy S4 with a wireless booster/antenna on Verizon. Using the same booster as used with my flip phone. Not a connect anywhere solution but will usually get me two or three bars where I have one to none. Not exactly cheap but...
  25. LuckyDan

    Run time for a 3way fridge on propane?

    Closest I've tracked it to is "a long time".
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