Search results

  1. Smokecreek1

    Three Month Home Base in Southwest

    You know Rob, I've always like Tonapah, Nevada, it's sort of in the middle of nowhere, but you can get to allot of places pretty fast but again I like Gerlach, Nevada too-can not beat Bruno's. If you like trees and a real homey little town, try Canyon City, Oregon, really like the brick streets...
  2. Smokecreek1

    Goen Still

    Really enjoy your TRs-keep up the good work! Smoke
  3. Smokecreek1

    Wilderness Areas Rules

    The whole land management process is slow but if we the users of it , don't take part in it, our power to use it will be taken from us by those who will end our use of it-if they are given a chance. Public Land is just that-it belongs to we-the Public! I don't know how many times, we set up...
  4. Smokecreek1

    Nothing worse than a broken fridge

    ------Or at the Virgin Valley CG in the Sheldon WLR in Northern Nevada! One positive outcome, however, was that inspired me to go solar and replace the broken 3-Way with a new compression frig! Smoke
  5. Smokecreek1

    Wilderness Areas Rules

    As one of those "Interior" types" who worked on, helped develop, consulted on and even worse , tried to manage "Wilderness Areas(WA), other protected areas' and those even more problematic " Wilderness Study Areas(WSA's) [ area's proposed as Wilderness Areas and awaiting Congress to OK the...
  6. Smokecreek1


    talking rain here this weekend-when will I learn not to weed eat the yard and mow the lawn. Smoke
  7. Smokecreek1

    Northwest Nevada - May 2022

    thanks for another great trip guys, B-17's, good stories, horny toads, hot springs and the Rock Black ---can't go wrong. Yep you even wandered a foot or two into my neck of the woods (ops-I mean high desert :D)! Again enjoyed it. Smoke
  8. Smokecreek1

    carrying full size spare

    I carried two full sized 10 ply spares and a repair kit in my BLM rig (1980 3/4 ton Dodge Power Wagon, 1990 3/4 ton Chev) at all times! I still remember the time I was working out in Dry Valley, Nevada (near the Smoke Desert and Pryramid Lake) with a civilian contractor (Who had flown into...
  9. Smokecreek1

    Why We Do Not Have A Border Collie

    Come on guys-now if you had 10 or 20 kids you would be whistling a different tune :rolleyes:! Besides you guys both knew (know) my last two border collie mixes Bobby and Timber Dog-and who could resist them? ----and you never met Babe-the border collie that sits in front of my pop-up up in my...
  10. Smokecreek1

    Water system leak

    Still here trying to finish up using camelracers idea-making the finial door cuts on Wednesday. Such a simple thing to make a hard job easier-thanks CR and all of you for all the help. I had to take that cabinet face off when I first got my pop-up, water system problem (a stop valve in back...
  11. Smokecreek1

    Water system leak

    Okay guys, here is the problem: First off-I have a 2005 Granby with a hot water heater that's seen a few wars over the years. I bought it new and it was one of the first ones with that type of hot water heater. I live up here in the the high desert of NE Ca/Nev and we have winter here! I...
  12. Smokecreek1

    Grey water setup questions!

    Gee whiz, I must be from another century because all I ever use is my old trusty hunk of garden hose and a empty gallon bleach bottle and if I need it, any nearby rock to set it on. Sometimes it freezes up or overflows but the this set up has served me well for many a year. Ya just have to...
  13. Smokecreek1

    New WTW Members

    Yep-this site talked me through a whole bunch of upgrades on my 05 Grandy over the years and provided a safe place to bitch and talk about the back country----not to mention a few "get-to-gethers" out in the boonies over the years! Speaking of same-it must be time to see who survived these...
  14. Smokecreek1

    Following rules

    I spent several years early in my BLM career working in the Mother Lode areas of the Sierra Nevada foothills-mining country. Yep-one of the first things you learn in doing field work on Public Lands (or any lands for that matter) is to pay attention to all signs and learn to say yes and agree...
  15. Smokecreek1

    Spring Sprang!

    Well at least I got half my yard work done before it rains , snows or what ever it does up here in the high desert and gee whiz-the Giants are on tv with the season opener this afternoon :lol:! Yep it is Spring Time again! Smoke
  16. Smokecreek1

    Wandering in Nevada - March 2022

    Adventure and mystery with Ski3pins in the "wilds" of Nevada-must be Spring Time B) in the Great Basin!!! Smoke
  17. Smokecreek1

    Wandering West Texas 2022

    Interesting area, I have some Texas friends that talk all the time about the neat places to visit there-maybe they are right :D ! Big Bend sure looks neat! Smoke
  18. Smokecreek1

    More Vandalism of Ancient Rock Art

    For over 30 years, as a BLM archaeologist, I tried to protect, manage, inform, educate and help catch and prosecute (as an expert witness) those members of the the public who broke the law when it comes to protecting our heritage. And do you know what-while some of them can be educated...
  19. Smokecreek1

    Campfire permit time

    I cheat because on the 1st of the year I have both California and Nevada Fish and Game send me email reminders that is is time to renew my fishing license and I complete the trifecta by heading over to the CalFire web site when I'm done and getting my California Campfire Permit :D! Both...
  20. Smokecreek1

    Christmas in Death Valley 2021

    Enjoyed that Andy! To bad about the power outages, but they seem to be a regular part of life these days where we live! Smoke
  21. Smokecreek1

    Winter Wanderland

    Yep winter is here at the Cascade-Northern Sierra Inter face-have almost 200% of what our usual snow pack is supposed to be at this time of the year. Was around 20% a week or so ago. Wonder if our 10 year drought is over :rolleyes:! Smoke
  22. winter wonderland-2021

    winter wonderland-2021

    Guess I'm not sitting on the back deck today-looks lie 1981 again.
  23. winter wonderland 2021

    winter wonderland 2021

    Timber in front yard-guess winter has here?
  24. winter wonderland-2021

    winter wonderland-2021

    Timber in front yard!
  25. winter wonderland 2021

    winter wonderland 2021

    winter is here-guess I'm staying home today!
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