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  1. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Friends Took Us to the Movies Today...................

    Seems to me they did some type of premo on TV about this-could have been on NatGeo come to think about it! yes it was interesting, but I would never do it!!! Smoke
  2. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Electric Pickup Truck

    Hey-if this works just think, next step is maybe a solar panel or two for both the truck and pop-up! Throw in one of those wind things and off-grid here we come ! Something to hope for I guess-at least for the next generation of pop-up owners Smoke
  3. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West DV Trip Report

    I agree with Ski-keep em' coming, I am really enjoying this trip you guys are taking! :D Smoke
  4. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Lg part of society really has no respect for themselves or others!

    FYI-rando! Last time was a complete shut down of all government agencies; this time it is a partial shutdown with DOI (park service is in DOI) being one of the several departments/agencies that were not funded! Certain job (see above) positions have to go to work no matter what w/o pay like...
  5. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton, what are most people using for their FWC?

    I have a 2005 Granby on a 99 1/2 F-150 4x4 ! Even though, I have had to spend allot of time, effort and upgrades to make things work right (and they do now), if I would have known what I know now, I would have bought a 3/4 ton truck like a F-250. That said, despite some problems, I sure have...
  6. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Lg part of society really has no respect for themselves or others!

    Remember the NPS has more people to manage its lands than the other agencies. Now just take all those millions of acres of Public Lands, managed by the USFS,,BLM, USFW S, and the COE that have even less" essential" people to manage and protect our lands. Generally speaking that means a...
  7. Bad hair dayp-Susanville

    Bad hair dayp-Susanville

    He is still alive as of last week! Smoke
  8. Bad hair day-Susanville

    Bad hair day-Susanville

    The full spread! Smoke
  9. Bad hair day-Susanville

    Bad hair day-Susanville

    Came into my yard a while ago and and just saw him again the other day! Smoke
  10. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West keeping our tiny 4 legged friends outside

    Had a problem with a mouse that got in to the camper this summer through an open tie down door! Not sure where I picked the dang thing(s) up-- it could have been either home or out in the woods somewhere. I had a period of a couple of weeks or so, this summer when I had other commitments and...
  11. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Winter -- Wow! these longer days and more sun! Boy, clear and cold today, me and "Bob" had only a short walk with everything frozen---to cold! Some snow on the hills-more on the mountains and gone in the valley floor. Yesterday the same only with a nasty "norther" type wind! Weather folks say that...
  12. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Aerial Photography & Videography

    Interesting Bill-and thanks for the info, enjoyed that! Smoke
  13. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Happy Winter Solstice and Happy New Year!

    Had a break from the rain tonight-one of those nice big white full type moons is showing some nice light on us poor humans! Snow later this week ---they say, but a happy solstice and Happy new :D year to all! Smoke
  14. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Your Input is NEEDED NOW!

    Ditto, thanks Rando-I was having the same problem as buckland! Just finished reading the latest on ANWAR and was trying to compose an adequate reply! Smoke
  15. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West North Umpqua River

    Wow-that was nice. Thanks for taking us along! Smoke
  16. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Winter -- Wow!

    Woke up to the sound of snow plows this morning. Had to get out the snow shovel and clear off the sidewalk and drive way and dig out my truck; we got 4-5 inches here on the valley floor. Oh ya, filled up the bird feeders yesterday so the birds and squirrels will be happy today. Lot's of deer...
  17. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West I need to hear a good new joke

    I bet you sharpen their teeth with a file too :wacko: ! That was a great one-thanks Smoke
  18. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Winter -- Wow!

    Snow on the roofs, cold morning walks, ice on the ground and those big puffy, grey and black clouds hanging out in that deep blue sky, ,yep must be winter now! Smoke
  19. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Fall into Autumn 2018

    Hey-I woke up to snow :wub: ! Earlier this week we had our first rain for the first time in a long time up here in the high desert!!! Smoke
  20. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Rio Chama Wild & Scenic River, NM - October 2018

    Bill Another place I've never been-thanks for taking us along! Smoke
  21. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Favorite Books

    Interesting thought there trikebubble :blink: !! Just picked up Nathaniel Philbrick' s (In the heart of the sea) latest book"In the Hurricanes Eye-The Genius of George Washington and the Victory at Yorktown"! Now if only we get allot of snow so I can curl up in front of the fire place and...
  22. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Cleaning Cookware

    So use paper plates and cups, cook in caste iron frying pans and feed the dog some properly sampled vodka and throw in some cranberry juice to make everything nice and healthy! Problem solved :P ! Smoke
  23. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Benton Hot Springs - November 2018

    That was neat! -----and a happy birthday soak to top it all off with! Smoke
  24. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada Ancient Rock Art - November 2018

    Frank-you are asking the right questions but the answers are allot harder to answer. When I was in my first actual archaeology field class, the first thing they told us is to look at the site area and "picture it" in your mind as to how it looked in the past-not today-what the environment...
  25. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada Ancient Rock Art - November 2018

    Again you guys bring back allot of memories of those back country places and the secrets they hold! One of the best parts of my BLM job/vocation was working in areas that probably no other "ark" had ever been in before and coming across some canyon rim or isolated pile of rocks or even a single...
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