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  1. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West And So They Continue........................Fires

    Fun isn't it; our power has been mostly since Sunday and came back on this AM We have had what they call a "Rolling Black Out" since Tuesday-that means just that, once in a while it comes on but you don't know when. Anyway, seems like all three of our power sources (PG&E 92 lines and back up...
  2. blood moon over Susanville

    blood moon over Susanville

    view west of blood moon over fires as seen from Susanville
  3. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West And So They Continue........................Fires

    Just a repeat of what we had a couple of weeks ago-lots of thunder and fire. This latest bunch sure been making allot of noise for a while now and have been smelling that smoke smell, but nothing shows up on the fs inced web site and after last year we don't want to all! Smoke
  4. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE

    Wow-I guess that is all the proof I need :blink:! Can I bring my dog? Smoke
  5. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Summer Dayz

    T-storm knocked the power line over the hill last night, power came on a little while ago. Fire started up on 36, been hearing fire choppers all morning! We are supposed to have another "T" storm type of day again! Temps mid 80's today, then shot up to the 90's then 100's . Don't hear any...
  6. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Summer Dayz

    Pretty good T-storms here with plenty of thunder, buckets of heavy rain and lightning here now in Susanville! Reno weather says expect more over the next few days until the 100 degree days hit-almost glad I'm not camped in some gully out there somewhere. Smoke
  7. Res C, Modoc NF

    Res C, Modoc NF

    Timber viewing Res
  8. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Summer Dayz

    A very hot and windy one for sure! Just got back from a week at Res. C on the Modoc NF. I had planned to stay a couple of days there, then north to L. Albert Rim country-------but! Red Flag warnings every where, real hot and windy, never seen "C" this low before and boat launch almost closed...
  9. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Our attempt at avoiding the Memorial Day crowds

    I enjoyed that and I too will not tell anyone about that little corner of the tri state area. PS: I should be north of the Vee Lake area somewhere east of the L. Albert Rim a couple of days from now heading SE toward Plush-but don't tell anyone :P! Smoke
  10. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Coffee! How Does It Know?

    I to can't start my day when home or out WTWing without my cup and Melitta filter full of ground up good smelling coffee and a pot of boiling water! And yes coffee makes you smarter :rolleyes:! One of the worst back packing trips I ever had was back in 1967; I had just got out of the Army and...
  11. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Spring trip to Utah & New Mexico

    Getting on late here this time! Glad you made it out and about Bill! And glad you took us along--- it was a great TR and adventure! Compression frig's seem to act up once in a while and nothing worse than the dang thing running at night and sometimes I get tired of turning it down and if cold...
  12. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Memorial Day Weekend

    Now that I'm retired from my dear old BLM and no longer work holidays out among the milling and usually very drunk and unruly masses despoiling our public lands :P !!! Life is great---Yep-I'm like most of you-unless I'm out and already hidden somewhere-I stay home, drink some vodka and beer...
  13. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Well it's time to get rid of Winter and onto Spring

    Yep-a weather change is coming this week-from the 70-80's and sunny to the 20-40's and (get ready) SNOW!!!! And just as I was packing to head up to the Modoc on Wednesday too! Well as they say we need it bad or we will blow away or burn down this summer :unsure: ! The weather report went from a...
  14. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Ouabache and Pokagon State Parks & more

    yep-and a good trip was has by all! Thanks for taking us along! Smoke
  15. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Elvis has left the building!

    I'm late to this thread!!! Wow-what a rig that is! Smoke
  16. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Another Bad Wildfire Fire Season

    I can live W/O a camp fire, but our snow pack here in the high country of NW Great Basin/Modoc Plateau is even worse than you guys in the Sierras. I think somewhere in the 40% range-the Diamond Range to our south is almost bare of snow and it is only April! Me thinks that my faithful potable...
  17. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Texas 2021

    Looks like you had a good time with lot's of doggie photos. Thanks for taking us along to places we'll probably never visit! Smoke
  18. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Missing in DV

    So sad, but all it takes is one mistake whether you are Mr. super-camper or on your first trip-to make it your last trip. I still remember that story of that very experienced back packer and his dog in Colorado several years back. They took off with all the right stuff, notified the right...
  19. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West I've decided to go big!

    Hey-didn't like retirement -guess that's no fun when you can plow roads 24 hours a day-man what TR's you could do too! ME- I like retirement and so do you and we can baseball again----HEY-GO GIANTS!!! Smoke
  20. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West My new pop up. Here we go

    Join the pack. Fun time is here and this is one purchase you will never forget-and never be sorry ! Smoke
  21. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The sound of water versus beer

    Yep-that sure sounds right to me-maybe a little more "fizzyness" in the background :rolleyes:! Smoke
  22. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Should Trip Reports be a thing of the past ?

    Yep-that's the way to do it! Seems to me that over the years we have had that discussion several times on whether to post locations of so called "special " places or not! During my career as a federal land manager I had to deal with the problem of just how "much " to publicly identify or...
  23. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Death Valley Again! - March 2021

    Another great TR. It always amazes me how you guys take some area that some (not us) would call worthless nothingness, to hot, full of rocks not fit for nothing and turn it into a great story(s) -yep people were here, they lived, worked, had dreams-some died!. The old archaeologist always...
  24. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Camping Tips if You Have a Pet?

    Not a bad idea! Anyway back to camping kitties! In all these years I have seen only two camping kiddie experiments-one successful-one not! As a starter, I have never owned a cat that given a choice, would have anything to do with any vehicle. Many years ago I was camping up at Manchester SP...
  25. Smokecreek1

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Charcoal Grill Lovers, Let Me See Your Setup

    He sure does, but that is basically what I have used for years, but with less things stuffed in it, . It has been kicked about, left out in the rain and snow,and it still works :rolleyes: ! I The only real thing wrong with it it is those dang legs get tangled up and without them you have to...
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