Search results

  1. The good old outhouses at Saline 20 years ago.

    The good old outhouses at Saline 20 years ago.

  2. Michael enjoying Lower Springs fun.

    Michael enjoying Lower Springs fun.

  3. The Racetrack under water.

    The Racetrack under water.

  4. Race Track under snow, Grandstand stands out.

    Race Track under snow, Grandstand stands out.

  5. South Pass, Saline

    South Pass, Saline

  6. Saline Valley, Michael Rubin

    Saline Valley, Michael Rubin

  7. Helicopter crash while filming car commercial kills 4 people

    Helicopter crash while filming car commercial kills 4 people

  8. Jammin' at Lee Flat

    Jammin' at Lee Flat

  9. Gelogists Cabin, Butte Valley

    Gelogists Cabin, Butte Valley

  10. Chloride Cliff, nice old Trooper

    Chloride Cliff, nice old Trooper

  11. Saline Valley Balloon, 1986

    Saline Valley Balloon, 1986

  12. P7230008.jpg


  13. View of the Yukon River from above Eagle, Alaska

    View of the Yukon River from above Eagle, Alaska

  14. B&W Slide Film

    B&W Slide Film

  15. B&W Slide Film

    B&W Slide Film

  16. Teklanika River just before a wolf came close.

    Teklanika River just before a wolf came close.

  17. Nice swim? Kennicott Glacier

    Nice swim? Kennicott Glacier

  18. Near Chitna, AK

    Near Chitna, AK

  19. Well, almost AK, this is Canada's NWT.

    Well, almost AK, this is Canada's NWT.

  20. generubin

    Comment by 'generubin' in media 'DSCN0137_1.jpg'

    Near Castle Rock Dam.
  21. DSCN0137_1.jpg


  22. Cofa 32.jpg

    Cofa 32.jpg

  23. ATC Ocelot

    ATC Ocelot

  24. generubin

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Craftsman inflator

    Hi Craig, Baja is a long way from home, a warranty means nothing when what you really need is a working, capable compressor 500 south of the border. When I am in Baja, I use my compressor often as the dirt roads are terribly washboarded, yet the getting on and off of the pavement is every day or...
  25. generubin

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Just ordered my Ocelot!

    I chose the Ocelot for lower wind resistance and narrower width which is handy in brushy areas such as Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. As I have the shell version, I have so much interior space, a few inches less makes no drawback. The lighter weight is nice as well (though the Dodge doesn't even...
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