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  1. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley, Manly and Rodgers

    Thanks for the good words, Stew must be off somewhere, I have not heard from him in a few days, and he doesn't seem to be here.
  2. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley, Manly and Rodgers

    I with the assistance of the fellow you know as "Stew", whom I have always referred to as Doug, have written a paper on our conclusions regarding the route William Manly and John Rodgers used to cross the Panamint Range. My link
  3. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley Trip March 2011

    Well, they could not have been more than 2 or 300 pounds each, but, I was feeling lazy.
  4. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley Trip March 2011

    Well, they could not have been more than 2 or 300 pounds each, but, I was feeling lazy.
  5. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley Trip March 2011

    I did not take photos in Goler, being annoyed we just turned around and went some other place. No motorcycle on the rig, but we did have our mountain bikes. I need to do some research, see if I can find a front mount that can handle my KLR. The pop top is a great thing to have. I have never...
  6. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley Trip March 2011

    Our recent DV trip, Photos here Trip Report Trip Report, Day 1. Camp 3/4th mile north of Ballarat off Indian Ranch Road. Night was cold, temp at freezing. We had a Burro visitation at 2:00 AM, he brayed next to the truck, sounded like a Locomotive whistle going off in our ears, dogs went...
  7. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley by Jeep

    Stew let me know that there were some new Death Valley photos. I have links to several slide shows on jeeping around Death Valley, family vacation stuff; We start with our snowy Truckee home and photos of my then new Jeep, then off to my Father in Laws old gold mine at Gold Spring, then off to...
  8. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West The winner of the November Partner aluminum dutch oven is......

    Just the thing for making ........ Stew!
  9. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Butte Valley and Geoligist's Cabin, Death Valley

    I am glad to see hear that there is latch. At Thanksgiving a couple of years my wife and I were staying there, and even with all our boxes piled against the door, the wind was so fierce that the door kept blowing open.
  10. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Butte Valley and Geoligist's Cabin, Death Valley

    Saved me? I remember looking up at your feet while you mumbling "where the hell are you?" And then I remember carving my way out with the saw blade on my pocket knife..
  11. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Butte Valley and Geoligist's Cabin, Death Valley

    Very nice photos/videos, thanks for that. We usually drive over Goler with a car full of kids and dogs, and at least once, with Stew. The Geologist Cabin is a fine place to spend some time. Last time I was there there was no latch on the door, if the wind came up it blew the door open. Can you...
  12. G

    Comment by 'Greatbasinguide' in media 'The Guide Checks the Road before the "3000 lb." Bridge'

    This is known as Chicken Rock, as most people have a little Chicken Heart before attempting this sharp right hand turn onto the rock. Occasionally people take the turn too wide, which accounts for the wrecked vehicles 300 feet below:) This past spring a woman rolled off the turn, it took a...
  13. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West PLSS - public land survey system

    The "forest location poster" is commonly referred to as the "k tag". In the beginning days of the Forest Service rangers had a list of items they were required to have. It's funny the list was alphabetical and not numerical. At "K" was listed "Forest Location Poster" and "k tag" has stuck ever...
  14. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Coleman Fold & Go 2 Burner Stove

    I have the foldable two burner, and I was saddened that the darned grill sits so high above the flame. The other problem is that there is no lock for the hinge, the stove rack I use requires a stove that can bridge the gap. We animal pack, so the small size of the stove was the draw for me, I...
  15. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West May 2010 Utah Spectacular

    First a quick note, I just registered, so this is my first post, that explains never having seen my "handle" before. In his photos of Death Valley, that is my silver Jeep he took pictures of; Regarding "Stew". "Good job one-upping Stew. Where hasn't that guy been??" I have known Stew for close...
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