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  1. S

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West No Need To Miss Burning Man

    Sure would be cool if they could get the video link working... at least my impression from the small bit of time that I've tried to watch. Guess it is a beta preview. I'll be patient.
  2. S

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Hole in affordable pop top availability market (opinion)

    Aye, that's the devil in the details. Composite construction requires hardpoints to provide crush/shear strength necessary to bolt bits onto the shell... jack brackets, roof rack runners, door hinges, door lock mechanisms, lift struts/linear actuators, etc. Easier to design with a wood or...
  3. S

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Hole in affordable pop top availability market (opinion)

    I think that you're tracking, Freebird. I personally like the idea of a whole composite camper from the thermal efficiency standpoint. My point of reference with composites revolves around aircraft, where you're constantly trading between weight and strength. You want the airframe strong...
  4. S

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Hole in affordable pop top availability market (opinion)

    Ah yes, the Holy Grail of TCs. While a most worthy goal, the idea of an inexpensive composite TC rests solely on the volume of production... and that, I'm afraid is the limiting factor. In many complex 3D applications, composites will save weight... particularly carbon fiber vacuum molded...
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