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  1. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Levelling camper/truck at camp

    Sorry for the hijack. :o I'd be happy to answer questions about the areas in which I have knowledge.:thumb:
  2. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Anyone installed Engel fridge into the camper?

    KC, do you remember which model Waeco this was? The link is bad and I'm stupid.... I am considering swapping out my icebox for a 12V fridge also. I have debated putting it in the backseat of the truck but I already store most of my gear there and occasionally I have to put my 3 year olds'...
  3. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle Power Problems

    So, it turns out that the negative battery cable 15A fuse was toast, I only thought there was one on the positive cable. I'm not sure why the fuse was blown though.... I replaced it and everything seems to be good to go, power works fine. I am concerned about dealing with this in the field...
  4. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Levelling camper/truck at camp

    I too use rocks but I always put them back when on BLM land. Heaven knows I wouldn't want all those cows that are crapping all over the landscape to trip on an errant rock or a rancher thats getting a free ride on the public to fall off is horse and hurt himself. Cheeky! I fully understand...
  5. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Levelling camper/truck at camp

    Rocks have many purposes, but be sure to make you friendly BLM Rangers (that would be me) job a little easier and put the rocks back where you found them. :thumb:
  6. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle Power Problems

    I can appreciate your frustration with this, but the quickest way to get this resolved is going to be to email FWC directly. Stan is here as a courtesy, this board is not meant to be an official outlet for FWC warranty and support. Oh, I know, it was kind of a joke. I'll be bugging first...
  7. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle Power Problems

    I bought a new deep cycle battery and had the charge checked (I have a use for it if it is not needed in the camper), it is at 100%. So, I hooked it up and flipped on one of the light switches and they light turned on for about 10 seconds and then the separator made a "clunk" sound and the power...
  8. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle Power Problems

    Could leaving the fridge DC switch on for so long have caused problems with any of the other charging components?
  9. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle Power Problems

    I'm a moron. I left the fridge switch in the DC position on for two days, I assume that that would drain the battery deader than a doornail.... I've plugged in the camper n to the house AC and have pulled the red knob out. The red knob needs to be out for the batt. to charge, right...
  10. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle Power Problems

    I picked up my Eagle last week and am having some power issues with it now... Today I was in the camper stocking it and found that the power would not come on (yes, I pulled the red knob). I turned on the truck to see what would happen. The lights came on just fine, but when I powered up...
  11. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Suspension air bags

    I pick my Eagle up on Monday and have another Ride-Rite question.... I installed the ride-rites with some spacers to make up for my lift and am wondering if it is better to run the springs a little on the 'compressed' side or on the 'stretched' side? I hope that makes sense.... :confused:
  12. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West ALERT: Stolen 4WD Eagle camper, on Toyota Tacoma, silver, '06.

    I'll keep my eyes open in the Grand Junction area.:mad:
  13. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Guitar Storage?

    I have a bad habit of taking my Martin with me everywhere and was wondering if there are any other players on the board and where in the camper they store their guitars while on the road? Is there enough room between the back of the couch and the window? -Gary Mc
  14. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Anyone installed Engel fridge into the camper?

    Bump.... Did anyone ever find a good way to mount an Engle or Waeco in their camper?
  15. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West new guy with an eagle

    Congrats! What are the planned mods? I'm (hopefully) picking up my new Eagle on the 26th in Reno. -GMc
  16. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle: Tailgate Question.

    Thanks for the advice, y'all. I hadn't thought about the spare tire issue, that is a problem. I'll be taking the tailgate off. Stan, how far out are we? I'm stoked!:thumb: -Gary McDaniel Grand Junction, CO
  17. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West New Eagle: Tailgate Question.

    Hey all, my Eagle should be ready in two'ish weeks and I'll be driving the Tacoma out to Reno for delivery and installation. I like to leave my tailgate on the truck so I have a place to set things and sit. Are there any drawbacks to this configuration that you would care to share...
  18. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West What kind of Four Wheel Camper are you?

    Dont miss Lavender Canyon (Monument Valley)on your south west trip. You get the combination for a locked gate at the ranger station and you get to go to a remote area with no other vehicles around. Lavender Canyon is in Canyonlands NP, not Monument Valley. FWIW- Gary Mc
  19. Garymc

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Suspension question

    New guy here, first post.... I ordered my FWC Eagle from Stan a few days ago and will pick it up mid-January. I've got an '03 Tacoma with a Deaver 9-leaf pack w/ approx. 3" of lift in the rear and am shopping for airbags that will accomadate the amount of lift my truck has. I was...
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