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  1. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Water tank won't pressurize (pump keeps running)

    I have a 2010 Hawk also....and there is a simple drain valve located next to the door of the camper. Simply open the valve to drain the tank. Thank you so much for reminding us about this drain valve! We'd used this valve a few years ago, but since our tank was mostly empty when we did, not...
  2. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Water tank won't pressurize (pump keeps running)

    Thanks to everyone for the helpful comments. My husband finally had a chance to get inside the cabinet and really check out the water system. - He found the screen the WaltK mentioned, but there was no apparent debris. He cleaned it "just in case" but the pump still didn't work. - There...
  3. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Water tank won't pressurize (pump keeps running)

    There should be a in line screen between the tank and the pump. (the pump manufacturer for some brands won't honor the warranty if there is no screen) If that screen is blocked with crud the pump won't prime. Don't know the pattern of the piping in your camper, but I'd expect the screen to be...
  4. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Water tank won't pressurize (pump keeps running)

    I am not sure if your camper is the same as my November 2011 Hawk, which has a drain control valve for the hot water heater. I have had my pump not turn off a few times. I found that if I opened and then closed the valve (upper left for me since I have two) while the pump was running, the pump...
  5. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Water tank won't pressurize (pump keeps running)

    We have a 2010 Hawk, and we cannot get the water tank to pressurize--the pump just keeps running. We have had this problem a few times before over the past few years (first times we fill the tank for the season), but we've found that if we waited and drove the truck around with a full water...
  6. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Winterizzing

    This was our first year winterizing out camper, and I thought I'd add a note about draining the hot water heater for other newbies who may use this thread in the future. Expect the drain to be REALLY hard to remove. We thought we were doing something wrong when it wouldn't budge, but other...
  7. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Removing hot water drain (ours won't budge)

    It was very useful to learn that the drain really was hard to remove and that it wasn't just us! With this reassurance we bravely used a long "handle," cranked the ratchet as hard as we could, and were finally able to get the drain removed. Freezing temperatures were coming, so we probably...
  8. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Removing hot water drain (ours won't budge)

    We are new TC owners (Hawk 2009), so we are winterizing for the first time. As recommended, we plan to drain the hot water heater before adding antifreeze to the water system. Unfortunately, we are having a lot of trouble removing the drain from the bottom of the hot water heater and wonder if...
  9. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Winterizzing

    Glad to see this thread! We're complete newbies to the TC world (we have a Hawk with water pump, hot water heater, and outdoor shower), and we're worried we'll do something stupid and our system will freeze and break. We've been trying to determine if we need to use antifreeze, just drain the...
  10. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Removing shower hose from camper

    We recently purchased a Hawk, and today we are disinfecting the water tanks and making sure we know how everything works. Oddly, the seemingly simple shower hose is what is giving us problems. Although we connected our outside shower hose easily, to our chagrin, we can't get it unhooked. Can...
  11. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Removing shower hose from camper

    We recently purchased a Hawk, and today we are disinfecting the water tanks and making sure we know how everything works. Oddly, the seemingly simple shower hose is what is giving us problems. Although we connected our outside shower hose easily, to our chagrin, we can't get it unhooked. Can...
  12. M

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West How do you transport, protect, and use your generator?

    My husband and I are about to purchase our first truck camper, and we would appreciate some input concerning the generator. We are getting a Hawk 4WC, and this particular unit has a small AC unit preinstalled by the company (it's in the window to the right of the back door). This camper also...
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