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  1. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Intro: don't shoot me - I own an Outfitter!

    Thanks, Fisherman. I actually recently put Pacbrake airbags on as the Outfitter is fairly heavy. I'd love to stop by and say hi when I'm out there in July. Good luck with the pig roast and am looking forward to the reports and pictures! -steve You put on PACBRAKE AIRBAGS, Steve you're a...
  2. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Intro: don't shoot me - I own an Outfitter!

    Worse than george Steve, welcome to the House Of Nuts. You've been lurking for a while, Maybe not long enough. Now we had a 100 post min. for Pig Roast qualification, you're a little short, that is a nice camper on that Dodge, I'm pretty sure you're going to need airbags, and there sure is a...
  3. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    Maybe each one of the trucks arrival should stop at John’s place and blast the horn 8 times or so, then head down to the Cove. That ought to rouse the neibors:eek::D. Sorry I'm going to miss all the fun...Enjoy It's good to see I'm getting all the help I need.
  4. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    See everyone on Saturday. Jon, please let me know if their is any thing I can bring. marc Here's what I think I'm doing, I have a 75# hog, I going to try to get a case of corn, maybe make or buy potato salad, some loaves of french bread, and a pot of homemade beans. But because were not at my...
  5. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    Salty, Where's the best place to get diesel before we get to your neighborhood.....I carry 5 gallons on the camper if needed.... When I come from the south I always get fuel in Willits, I can't remember what it is in town, but it's always more than anywhere else. I mentioned this because I...
  6. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    i'm starting to think the move was a real good idea, especially when we mix a few of the local hillbillys into this. Here's the Pig Box, and a picture for Zonker, so he'll know what he's missing, too bad dude, I was going to let you sit in it if you fit.
  7. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    whose got the scotch? We are doomed without liguor! i'm starting to think the move was a real good idea, especially when we mix a few of the local hillbillys into this.
  8. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Time to go fishing

    It's always time to go fishing And in fact because of the current market conditions in the commercial fishing industry we have been forced to stop fishing untill the fall, which means I get my first real vacation in 24 yrs. So I guess the recession had sort of a silver lining for me. I'm...
  9. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    By the way The RV park fees have been taken care of, I will try to have everything we need on Sat. and I'm sure we'll have enough. But you won't be close to anything but the Shelter Cove General store, they do have some food and drink items but expensive, also don't drive out here with a 1/4...
  10. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    Whatever you want I'll have to be at the Cove Friday evening because we have to start the pig about 2am, maybe earlier if it's cold. The real problem at this point is trucking all the stuff over the hill. The pig box is real heavy, steel plate top, we wern't planning on having to move it. We...
  11. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    I still hope we get to see these bears of yours. I can't go to the Cove without those two, we'll have to go today because it's way to hot here already too hot here, however it's not supposed to be very warm by the weekend, so come prepared for anything, because here the weather is unpredictable.
  12. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    Does the campground have fire pits? Dog, I'm not sure but I think they do, I'll call them and ask. This is what I thought about doing in the first place, it will be better the more I think about it.
  13. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    Sounds good to me. It's actually better, I really didn't want to give into the request of one of my two neighbors who is truly a complete a. hole, he is a one way kind of person, his way, and I really don't care for people like that, in the end he'll pay for this one. This ain't about him, it's...
  14. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    When I started this fiasco the first thing I did was ask my neighbors how they felt about me doing this, although they didn't seem too excited they agreed. Yesterday we dropped a porta potti in MY YARD and they freaked out, we had a pretty good arguement, and last night I decided I don't need...
  15. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West It hit a 100

    Jon, Sorry to hear about the wrinkled race car...Just glad you're OK, the car damage can be fixed. Looking forward to seeing beautiful metropolitan Whitehorn , meeting the Newfs..Oh, and you too. See you Saturday AM. I have a sore elbow, I would guess that the damage will be fixed by...
  16. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West It hit a 100

    We had a very hot day in Whitethorn today, I just hope the weather holds up. The long range forcast is for possible rain on wed. then cooler weather, but here, who knows. Were ready, half of Southern Humbouldt county will be here, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't too many leftovers, I...
  17. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Original paint color for my Fleet?

    probably a tuff one unless you buy the specific manufacturer they used (is this even painted at fwc or prefinished al siding type stuff?) since each different paint manufacturer knocks out tons of different shades and none are the same name. Probably would be best to go to a paint supplier and...
  18. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Going racing

    I will be racing this weekend, I will be back late Monday. If you have any pig questions ask now, or wait till Monday night. I need to win a race. It's 4:30 we just loaded up in Ukiah, see you at the track. I know you like pictures.
  19. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Which air bags to buy?

    Here's a set of real air bags, Carli long travel air bags. Up to 12 inches of travel ( they are partially compressed in the box) for full rear end articulation. Hope to have them on before the Hog Festival. Not sure if they make them for Toy trucks..:o Yeah, I think you can get that done in...
  20. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Montana cowboy

    A young good looking cowboy walked into a drug store in Montana and asked to talk to a male pharmacist. The woman he was talking to said she was the only pharmacist and she and her sister owned the store, and there were no males employed there. She then asked if she could help him. The cowpoke...
  21. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West were early....

    TT, Did you take over fisherman's computer? :D :thumb: tHAT'S WHAT HAPPENED, I LOGGGED ON AND GOT HIJACKED.
  22. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West were early....

    apart from apart the the gimp in the box, eveything is cool here in whitethorn..The wife, kids and i are on the road in norcal and stopped by the fishermans house to check the accomodations for you guys coming to pigapalooza... were on our way out to some remote areas south of shelter cove for...
  23. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West D.u.i.

  24. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon to New Mexico - 2 weeks, 4,000 miles, and 100 pounds of dog hair

    I'd also like to point out that I took an extra lap around the campground to get that uranus photo for you fisherman SO YOU BETTER ENJOY IT AND EAT MORE FISH A reminder, I will fight back, and I have a well equipped arsenel of weapons at my disposal. I've been crusing Youtube. Dog, I could keep...
  25. T

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon to New Mexico - 2 weeks, 4,000 miles, and 100 pounds of dog hair

    Well.... we like your dogs! If you were one of my local buddies you'd get a swift kick in the nuts to snap you out of this. Gees, what did I do now, a kick in the marble bag I could live without.
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