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  1. L

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Lessons learned about mud in the west

    Yep, you gotta respect the mud around here, or you will soon learn. Glad it didn't get worse. Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Reno to Toquima Cave the hard way

    Up to Toquima Cave Campground. We set up camp. After a bit of relaxing, we had the whole place to ourselves, we headed for the cave. It is only a 1/4 mile walk to the cave. We took the long way back and spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and were rewarded with a spectacular...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Reno to Toquima Cave the hard way

    Other's have had the good sense to stop there and turn around... We (I) didn't. I looked down the trail and figured, "How bad could it be?" I had been on the lower side and now I had seen the top. Down we headed. At first it was no big deal, just typical Nevada high country roads. And...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Reno to Toquima Cave the hard way

    So :princess: and I decided that since we had a free weekend, that we should put it to good use. The idea was to head to central Nevada and into the Toiyabe Range. We left on Saturday morning and headed east. We stopped in Fallon for breakfast and to fuel up. We made it to Austin to top of...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Flatbed for a Chevy

    Any other pics? Looks great. Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Labor Day Warner Mtns. : a LightHawk perspective

    Great report. Very cool to see it from another view. Gotta get out... Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Back to Nevada!

    Great report. You guys are going to ruin it for the Nevadans, everyone knows we are nothing but a barren wasteland, nothing to see here. But then you go and post those kind of pics and blow the whole perception that we have tried hard to portray. B) Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Warner Mts. Labor Day 2011: MarkBC View

    Great write up. Can't wait to get back out, been too busy lately. So I have to live through you guys. Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Montor Pass and East Side Sierra Quickie

    Great story. Thanks for sharing. Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Pine Mountain

    Cool trip. I like that you adapted and it looks like had a better time because of it. :D Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    What a great report, this fell through the cracks for me, just reading this for the first time. We like remote and it sure looks like you found it. Awesome. Thanks, we really enjoyed ourselves. Keep trying to head back out, but the few weekends we have had free, ended up not being free. Has...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Sorry, it was a B24. My link Awesome, thanks for the link. Might have to see if we can find it the next time we are up there, which should be in a couple of weekends. We'll see. Thanks again, Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Retired, AK bound

    My wife and I drove from Reno to Prudoe Bay/Deadhorse last September. It was a great trip, but because we are not retired, we had to do it quick (3 weeks). We took the luxury camper on that trip (pre Hawk). Be safe and have fun. It is a great experience. Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Great Trip Report!!! B) I spent a long weekend camped at Virgin Valley with my dual sport MC club. Talk about off road paradise!!!! You were also close to the B 17 crash site. I never made it up there but the rest of the group did. Very rough trail and only my 2nd year riding I turned...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Enjoyed your trip report! Thanks. Yup, we're like the rest of 'em and pulled out the maps! Thank you. We have been all "around" the Blackrock and Northern Nevada (not that you can see it all, but we are trying), but that has become our M.O., we look at the map(s) and try to find the...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Looks like a great rig for exploring -- better than a big-ole pickup-camper, mostly...except for the camping at the end of the day. Yeah, it was capable of many hours on the highway, dirt, trail and still asked for more, but the camping, poor gas mileage and low power got really old. It was...
  17. L

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The Great Great Basin Over the Fourth

    Well, I have been all over that area, but now you have given me yet another destination to shoot for. I love this state, so much to see/experience. Thanks for the report, looking forward to the "rest of the story." Jack
  18. L

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Rear Air Deflector

    A spoiler of sorts. Never seen one but it does makes sense. Would need to be fairly large to keep the majority of dust off the back. Probably wouldn't take that much (size wise), just enough to keep the back door area clear. They worked great on both of my Landcruisers and I could tell on...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jack's 2007 Chevy with a 2008 Hawk

    Nice set up, that thing looks brand new. Enjoyed the reports and pics. It literally was, which is why I couldn't pass it up. It has a litte wear now... Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jack's 2007 Chevy with a 2008 Hawk

    Never heard of anyone call a fire lookout a watch tower before. I've been all over that area and never seen a bear. Maybe they just don't like Jeeps. Yeah, I have been all over the sierras and have seen a few females and juvenile males, but never have seen one that big. He was impressive...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Yes, that's weird. On my NatGeo TOPO map software (which has 5 levels of scale built in), at the "500k" scale and bigger it's call New Year Lake, but down at the 100k and 24,000 (so-called 7.5') scale it's called Crook's Lake. Damn geographers/cartographers! So...I did a Google search on...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Thanks -- looks like it's called "Crooks Lake"....definitely off the beaten path! Yeah, it depends on which map you are using/looking at on whether it is called New Year's Lake or Crook's Lake. Jack
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jack's 2007 Chevy with a 2008 Hawk

    I forgot to add some minor mods that I have done to the camper. First of all, those "storage boxes" that are mounted inside the camper, after I hit my head on them for the second time and my wife and I could find no use for them, nothing we owned would fit inside them, off they came. Not...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Thanks for the compliments guys. I don't "track" my adventures, so I had to look up the coordinates on Google Earth. 41 degrees 45' 15.52" N by 119 degrees 57' 00.00" W Elevation of 5989 ft. We have been following those kind of roads in Nevada for almost 20 years, you just have to be...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled

    Once we made it back out 8A, we headed east towards Vya. Vya is a town again. For anyone who has passed through the crossroads of Vya before would be shocked by how much is there. The pipeline has created a town once again. We continued east on 8A until we reached the Sheldon turn off...
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