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    Random FWC Photos

    New owner of a used 2016 Hawk Shell that I picked up less than two weeks ago. Here's some pictures from my first camping trip with it this weekend.
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    New Hawk Owner - Looking to add AC power via inverter - ground question

    I currently have a portable power station with an attached ~500w modified sine wave inverter, that I built to power a diesel heater and some electronics for a few days. It's my temporary solution for now. However, it's one more battery to have to keep topped up, which also takes up space I...
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    New Hawk Owner - Looking to add AC power via inverter - ground question

    Thanks for weighing in. This is what I was leaning toward doing. Now to decide which inverter to go with. I found someone selling some used Magnum Dimensions CSW1012 pure sine wave inverters for $69 on eBay. For the price, it might be worth trying out. Otherwise, I'm leaning toward the Renogy...
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    New Hawk Owner - Looking to add AC power via inverter - ground question

    Recently bought a 2016 FWC Hawk Shell with many optional upgrades I wanted, but unfortunately it didn't come with a power inverter. Many of the 1000w pure sine wave ones I'm considering have a ground wire post; what are you folks connecting your your inverter ground to? For additional...
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