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  1. YESSSSS!!!!! We made it!

    YESSSSS!!!!! We made it!

    This sign is posted at the TOP of the pass...not the bottom. Go figure.
  2. Down in the Emerald Pools

    Down in the Emerald Pools

    Absolutely beautiful!
  3. Emerald Pool Relaxation

    Emerald Pool Relaxation

  4. Me, tired, ready to take the sand plunge!

    Me, tired, ready to take the sand plunge!

  5. Lookout from one of the Dune peaks

    Lookout from one of the Dune peaks

  6. Dune steps

    Dune steps

  7. Jade looking out on this vast landscape.

    Jade looking out on this vast landscape.

  8. Ms. Jade at the top!

    Ms. Jade at the top!

  9. Hiking up the Dunes with Jade

    Hiking up the Dunes with Jade

  10. Lower Dunes

    Lower Dunes

  11. Dunes from the bottom

    Dunes from the bottom

  12. Dunes from the bottom

    Dunes from the bottom

  13. Mosaic Canyon Swirlys

    Mosaic Canyon Swirlys

    Oh so pretty....
  14. Darwin Falls Fairyland

    Darwin Falls Fairyland

    Find the critter....
  15. Oh, Titus Canyon. You are so beautiful to me.

    Oh, Titus Canyon. You are so beautiful to me.

    Just towards the end of Titus...what a wonderful sight to see!
  16. J

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West LIPPINCOTT PASS--A personal Saga, Death Valley, CA

    This past week my boyfriend and I spent romping around Death Valley. We had a few really typical spots we wanted to check out: Titus, Mosaic, Darwin Falls, Devil's Golf Course, Dante's Peak, Charcoal Kilns, The Racetrack, etc. We only had a loose plan though and picked up a back country roads...
  17. J

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Who else was in Death Valley over spring break?

    My boyfriend and I just got back from Death Valley last night! We did Titus Canyon and then stayed the first night at the Eureka Sand Dunes and hiked them in the morning. Had to wear goggles all night it was so windy! Drove the Saline Valley Road out to Lippincott Pass (uhm, separate post on...
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