
  1. J

    Hawk Shell Cabinet Mounting

    Just received my new Hawk shell after a grueling 11 month wait. I am in the process of building out a storage cabinet on the stove side. I am looking for advice for how to mount/secure the cabinet to the shell. I seem to recall a post stating not to mount anything to the wall but to instead...
  2. S

    Hawk Cabinet Dimension

    Hello, I am new to the forum and looking for the dimensions of the various cabinets and bench/ledge areas of a Hawk Shell model with stove and heater. I can't seem to find anything on the FWC website or in these forums. Here is an image of what I am trying to describe. Your help and guidance is...
  3. A

    Refrigerator space converted to closet

    I ordered my Ocelot with no refrigerator as I opt'd for a truck fridge portable unit. Originally was going to put in the space where the factory refrigerators are installed, but decided to put on the floor below the front window. Marty gave me the top cabinet board in case I later wanted to...
  4. W

    Drilling in my four wheel?

    Hey all, I have a great little wall mounted cabinet that will fit perfectly right on the right side of the camper next to the window (close to the door, under the FWC factory storage already there). But I'm looking for some advice on drilling to put in a couple screws to mount it. What's...
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  19. C

    Need Help!

    Hello, This is my 1st. post on the forum. I'm the owner of a 1979 8' NCO. I'm trying to restore it to usable condition. I need some measurements of the right hand cabinet the one that holds the ice box and closet. If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dan
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