
  1. milt

    Wander The West Goen Still

    Hey guys, took a couple of weeks to beat the summer crowd and enjoy some silence. [By the way, here's a link to a collection, off-site, of my Illustrated Journals.] (to be continued...)
  2. milt

    Wander The West Late Summer in the Eastern Sierra

    two weeks loafing and drawing a picture every day
  3. milt

    Wander The West Tripping North

    Just another trip, come on along
  4. NorthernFocusCreative

    Wander The West What are the top 3 must do's in CO?

    We are in CO and looking at check out Rocky Mountain National Park early next week before heading north to WY. What else should we check out in the CO area. We love camping away from the crowds, hiking and taking photographs. Any local knowledge would be appreciated. John & Carla...
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