lift system

  1. M

    Help with Heco Lift System Corner Brackets Setup and Torsion Bar - on a 1995 Skamper 060s Popup Truc

    Hello, Newby here trying to get some help from you guys. I recently purchased a Skamper with a damaged roof and pulled the trigger on fixing it myself. I already removed the entire roof and in the process of reconstructing it. The roof is "almost" (feels like never ending) done, but I'm...
  2. G

    four wheel camper lifting hinge plate drawing/schematic/dimensions

    It's a long shot but her goes. I've found a used Older Four Wheel Camper Hawk here locally in Ohio that has the camper and roof but no lifting hinges/push board. The price is so low ($1000) and it's probably why it hasn't sold yet. The roof is secure with the latches and canvas material is...
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