198? Grandby


Advanced Member
Sep 2, 2008
San Diego, CA
I'm considering selling my 198? Grandby and thought I'd see if there was any interest. She's old and a little worn but still servicable and has been a great addition over the last 3 years. I'm just considering going a different route for a while.

Solar panel intalled by the PO (not sure what size)
Deep Cycle battery (I think it's 72AH but will have to double check)
NEW (by me this year) 20+ gallon H2O tank - original tank was dry-rotted and ended up imploding while I was 4 wheeling
Upgraded fuse block (uses new style automotive fuses last year) - just wanted something a little more user friendly
2 burner propane stove (stock)
Sink with electric pump
It originally had an icebox which was removed by the PO and the space was converted into storage
Crank up jacks

The interior has been mildly customized by the PO.
The overcab bed is now permanent with a 3"D storage space below. I may still have the full bed air mattress for this but will double check when I get home todday
The space at the head of the camper has been converted to a "chest" which has been plumbed for DC and can fit large coolers and misc. items. I currently have a 45L Engel Fridge/Freezer (Engel is NOT included) in this space along with tools, chairs and whatnot.

Things that will need attention at some point (there are 3 items):
1. The canvas will need to be replaced at some point. It's good for summer and very mild wet but it does seep a bit in moderate-heavy rain. I have attempted to repair the worn bits using adhesive tent repair tape and it works ok, but more of a stop-gap.
2. The weld on the aluminum door frame in the lower left corner has broken. The door operates fine and it does not seem to affect anything.
3. The siding at the lower left corner of the door has "torn" a little and you can see some dead space. I have not been able to get this fixed but it hasn't caused any issues.

Camper is located in San Diego just North of Sea World in Pacific Beach. I attempted to take the camper off earlier this year so I could transport my motorcycle and found out that the bedrail of my truck has "pinched" the sides of the camper. This means that I cannot drive out from under the camper with the camper jacks (as they will not lift the camper high enough to clear the bed). Good part is I have access to a forklift which I can use (in Kearny Mesa about 10 miles from my house) which will get her done.

I was thinking around $2500 for this camper and am pretty firm but may be open to the right offer from the right person - I'm not desperate and don't NEED to sell her. I have posted pictures of her on WTW but can't find the link. I will post some pics when I get home or message me and I'll send them direct.

I'd also considering the 4WD F250 she's attached to but that's a different negotiation.

Thanks for looking. Scott.

Pics added:
That looks like it may be a 15w panel. Not sure I understand why you can't jack it off (I mean the camper :oops: ) Put blocks under the jacks?
I can get the camper up 10 inches. But the bedrails have come apart and when you lift up the camper the bed pulls up with the camper. I tried lifting higher but the cable jacks tend to be "unstable" for my likes.
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