2005 Eagle Renovation Questions


New Member
Aug 6, 2021
After I noticed some water intrusion in a few spots on the wall panels of my 2005 Eagle camper, I've gone all in and decided to gut it and modernize the floor plan, electrical, and heating systems. Before this I built out a camper van (sold while the covid boom is high) and hope to bring some of those learnings to my camper.

I've started to wrap my head around a game plan, but a I still have a few lingering questions that I hope the community can help with. A few notes on the changes:
  • Switching from a roll-over bench to a front dinette layout.
  • I've removed the propane and going to use a portable butane stove for cooking as needed and planning to use a Espar/Webasto style diesel heater (hopefully the cheap versions will do the trick) and use an externally mounted diesel tank.
  • I've been so happy with the Dometic CFX coolers, so going to use one of those instead of the old norcold fridge.
The biggest problem is this leaves me with all these exterior access panels that I'll no longer need. The propane door and the fridge vents are completely unused and the furnace cover will likely need some adaptation to support the heater fuel line, intake, and exhaust. I could just cover the access panels with the interior wall and foam and waterproof best I can, but hoping I could find a replacement option that would have a better water seal. Does anyone know if it's possible to get replacement panels somewhere. Maybe a cool way to use the panels instead?

Also, I've been trying to remove the exterior stairs, but the interior nuts are pretty seized and the bolt just spins. Any idea?

FINAL question for now, what's the recommendation for resealing roof caulking?



Use this (site: wanderthewest.com "roof sealant") in a google search to see several old posts on sealing the roof.

For the steps, you may have to drill out the bolt heads.

For the exterior walls, you might get new aluminum siding.
You might be able to use boat deck hatches(opening or non-opening) that are water tight. Maybe turn those areas into shallow outside accessible storage compartments depending on how much interior intrusion you mind.. Keep a tarp, rope, leveling boards there? Leave the hinged louvers on the lower fridge vent and turn that into vented storage for propane cylinders, etc. You have lots of options.
How did your couch to dinnete conversion turn out? I am about to do the same on my 09 Eagle and wondered if you had any tips or tricks you learned along the way.


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