2017 ATC Get Together


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Wasn't sure I could make it until Thursday. Went food shopping and came home ready to load up the fridge. Its warm. Uh oh. Looks like a connection came unsoldered but its hard to see. I'll post another thread on that when I get it out and can see it better. Well that put me in kind a bad mood. Back to the store for ice and load up the ice chest. Things I normally bring (dog shelter, camera, table ) got left behind. Only have a few cell pics.

Its a long drive even for a three day weekend but off we head. 80 through NV doesn't me happy either. Get somewhat close to Sheldon and I stop and let the dog out to run him a bit before we roll into camp. He manages to hurt himself somehow and limps most of the rest of the trip. I think he strained a muscle as he looks pretty good today. Roll into camp behind another popup that looks oddly familiar. Yep, thats a ski3pin camper. Before I even get camp setup someone asks me where the door to my hot water heater is. Doh, its fallen off somewhere and unfortunately not nearby :(

Well at least I didn't have to cook (other that offering up some salad).

No birthday cake for Bob due the fire restrictions but Marty offered up a champagne toast.
It was hot and the next day everyone is off for other destinations. Bob and Don suggest I accompany them to Steen mountain. Thought about taking Riley to the vet but he hopped right into the truck. Its going to be a long long drive home if I go but heck, I've driven by but never actually been to the mountain. Off we go stopping at Fields of course for breakfast and a shake (thanks Bob). We get close enough to the Alvord for Bob to get some pics.

Then off to Steen. I'm glad I went because its nothing like the mental picture I had. A nice little bloom going on.

They tried to get me to hike into the gorge, not going to happen.

We weren't having much luck finding a place to camp, it was pretty busy on the weekend when we found Lily Lake. Primitive camping. Heck, we're pretty primitive and we had the whole place to ourselves.

The ride home was brutal but I got to see a lot of country I've never seen before. Good thing the Oregon Highway Patrol wasn't out on 395. Hopefully Bob posts up a few of his pics.
Thanks for the report, wish we could have made it. Ever find your door?
Thanks for posting Craig. We thought about joining the group but it was just too far to go in a weekend. I knew the Ski3pins were in the neighborhood, so good to see they were able to join you.
Here are a few more!

Sheldon NWR - Marty has a new rig!


Bob looking for a tree!


Canyon near the top! What a view! Wanted to send Craig down it!


Almost the top! Never have enough of this place!


More flowers! Lots of flowers!

Good news. My refrigerator seems to be working fine now. I pulled it out and what I thought was a broken pipe was just a terminated pipe for whatever reason they do it. Freezer is freezing and refer is cold. The compressor motor probably has some kind of thermal overload shutdown and being as it was very lightly loaded and its been way hot day after day it reached its limit. Much as I like leaving it on with a few items (ketchup, mayo and that sort of stuff) I'll start shutting it off unless its fully loaded.
I forgot to mention the outrageous prices for camping in the Steens Mountain. Six dollars a night? Half that with the geezer pass? Heck with that, we camped for free.
Yep, a good time was had for all! Good eats including real hot dogs, hmmmmm with onions and Chinese hot mustard, lot's of talk about places to go and places been and off course, lot's of stories (all truthful and no BS :cautious: ) and promises to do this again soon (where ???). And nice to see the real ski3pins in person and from the front side! Most important Bob got all the bones until Riley showed up (Bob is now on a diet). Lot's of talk about Canada and food and more food, and pop-ups (I had a 4 wheel) and Marty's new truck, but by the week end, people started to show up and it was time to go. Did I mention all the food we ate?

Yep-off on another adventure, where the other Bob-(the birthday guy) got to see the Alvord Desert and have a milk shake and breakfast at Fields (he paid of course-it's only fair after all-the other Bob did most of the driving). Then off and up we went on the Steens loop (the first time for Craig and Bob) and a nice place to camp with lot's of Aspin and "spare ribs and potato sal".for dinner; plus the camp was at 7300 feet and there were no other campers :D . Well in the morning, we waved good by to Craig and Reily at Frenchglen as he headed home. while we went to Burns and after some driving, another camp on the Fremont NF, and in the morning time to head down 395 and home. Best of all, my "Bob" saw no snakes! Yep, need to do this again, soon!

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