57 days without camping


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Or so but I finally got 2 consecutive days off. Work has been horribly busy and the few days off I've had have mostly been single days. I half expected this one to get changed at the last moment but it didn't and as soon as I got home I started loading up the camper. Didn't even go grocery shopping just grabbed whatever was in the fridge. Not enough time to head down 395 I figured I'd stay close to home. Water sounded good so I headed over to the Silverfork road. Found the same spot where Riley had his first camping trip.

Must be what its like to be retired, camping during the week. Almost no water in the stream but we hiked all over and Riley had a great time. Tried to figure out if this was an abandoned road or just a skid trail on the far side of the stream.

A culvert in amazingly good condition gave it away.

Still looking for water so I headed over to Ice House Reservoir. One of my rare trips to a pay campground.

I swam more than Riley did. I think his swimming gene is defective :) We went down to dam and checked out the discharge.

Very unusual to see a spillway on Lake this size with gates.

Riley had to nap after chasing all the squirrels.

Hit up Big Hill on the way home.

Hoping my vacation request for Labor day is approved. I'd like to hit Kavanagh Ridge before the snow flies. Short trip but but it beats staying at home :)
Big Hill is just right up the road from Ice House. Lookout, helitack base and loaded with communication towers. Has a view of the Crystal Basin area.

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