Acrid smell


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2013
During the last week of a month long trip I started to pick up on an acrid smell, especially in the cabinet next to the 3 way fridge(which was running on propane) and around the outside fridge vent, fridge cooling was not up to par either. Noticed the burner flame seemed a bit soft but nice and blue. Since we were staying with friends the last few days and would be on shore power I didn't want to tear into it on the road and temp fate. Removed the burner and found the slots to be open but partially clogged with rust but otherwise was not rusted through or burned out, so I opted to clean rather than replace it. Now, what to clean those very narrow slots with? Well turns out a 32 tooth hacksaw blade is a perfect fit. A little compressed air to blow out the loosened debris and reinstall. All is good, nice blue flame with 5 now separate peaks instead of one blob of a flame. I have always blown out the burner before any trip to insure no cobwebs etc. but flame has never looked this good. Easy job, I highly recommend if your 3way is not cooling at peak performance. As a side item, neither the propane or CO2 alarms ever sounded during this issue, both have been tested since and are functional, ???
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