AK Trip and Covid


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Jul 26, 2011
New England
My friends just returned from their dream AK Trip. Their blog is entitled AK 2020, 2021, 2022. That being because they were all set to go for a couple years and due to ....,well you know... waited and this year to hell with it we are going. They are used to the long haul but even so I was stunned at their ability to do 700 mile days...we live in New England so to get to open roads one has to suffer a few days of high mileage. (My solo highest was 630 and it is beyond me how they did that.) Anyway that got to the Kenai peninsula and had a great 2 weeks total. They had planned to go to Denali then head back through Top of the World highway etc.... alas.... she started to feel sick and 2 days later he... both tested positive Covid. If you look at CDC map AK is tops right now. The BA5 is very catchy. I know because my wife with 4 shots and paranoid protocol came back from a trip to Wyoming (#2 on the list... and oh never mind)
My friends drove a long haul back while they had covid (staying in camper and using masks and gloves) They are home and recuperating and miserable.

The moral of the story... skip the bar scene or crowded venues. Wear a mask. KEEP YOUR DUKES UP! as my dad would say.
If y'all go out there be aware of the invisible.

Great advice Rob.It's not safe out there.
Anywhere there are crowds we mask up.

In our area a lot of people wear masks.

I don't understand the whole logic about wanting
your freedom and wearing a mask somehow takes that away.

Being in a hospital sure bites into your freedom so does death.
Stay healthy.
Just got back from a trip and went to the local grocery store (Driggs, ID with lot's of tourists). Myself, one checker and one other person was masked up. Have not been sick despite two years of fire camps and sure do not want to start now.
Amen to that. I spent a lot of anxiety and don't want to screw up at this point. It's not being on a plane it's the airports and quite frankly the TSA lines with all those plastic trays! (Absolutely no science to back that up...just the ick factor). Pop up travel life for me.
Heading out wed morning to start our AK trip that's been on hold for a few years as well. We've had a few excursions booked for months and were told at the time we were required to mask up while on the float plane and inside the cabin on the water taxi. With everything that is going on out there with covid, wild fires ,washouts etc, maybe we should have put it off another year ???? We'll be as careful as we can and hope for the best I guess.
In this time it is always best to be safer than sorry. I'd bring a bunch of those alcohol-wipes, be smart with the high quality n95 masks, wash your hands at all chances. You'll be fine if careful. Folks that throw dull care away and have a night at an inside restaurant or bar ... well that is a big chance. Not worth it ...enjoy the outdoors. AK is beautiful.
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