Another Electrical Question


Jul 13, 2008
San Diego, Ca
Hi all, so I have made some mods to my Ranger and I have not had great luck with my 12v system. I have 2 optima blue batteries in the camper hooked up to an isolater in the engine compartment. I have a 12v outlet in the camper which shows 12.7 volts when i test it but I cant get any 12v appliances to work. When I have the engine on some of the appliances work but my aux batteries don't seem work. I don't have an inverter but want to install one. One question I have is will the inverter work on the camper batteries when the engine is not on. I know these are probably pretty elementary questions so i apologize in advance, but any help on these questions would cure a big headache I have been having.

It sounds like you either have bad batteries or a high resistance somewhere in the circuit. When you measure the voltage without a load even a bad battery or high resistance circuit can show full voltage. As soon as a load is applied the voltage will drop. I suggest you turn on something to load the circuit then start checking voltages starting at the battery to see where the drop is. You should also check the ground side for high resistances.
I'm not an inverter expert but I know Deltarat's microwave worked great without the truck running.

Dear Dagan--

I don't know if you ever drive your truck & camper from NYC to San Diego, but I live about half way between them just off I10. If you come for a visit I promise to help you figure out your wiring.
If you *were* here, I would approach the problem this way...

Treat the problem like a geometry proof. Test the separable pieces separately to confirm they are working truly and correctly, and then treat them as theorems. Derive larger more complex theorems from smaller ones, testing as you go.

A voltmeter and continuity tester serve as your straightedge and compass.

All the best!
To answer your question:
An inverter will work on whatever battery you connect it to. If you connect it to the camper batteries, then of course it will run off the camper batteries regardless of whether or not the pickup engine is running.

I have a little experience with isolators/combiners. They can be tricky at times and there's a variety of models and a variety of ways they can be wired/used. I suggest you study your system, draw a diagram, and use the test devices mentioned to understand how your specific system is working. The isolater used by FWC (you can find the info on their website) seems to be a simple, lightweight, and durable unit.

It sounds as if you're isolator system isn't working correctly. You could test the appliances individually to rule them out. Good luck!
I think you should have both your batteries tested for voltage.A battery store ,schucks or napa will test for free probably sears to .
How our you charging? I maintain mine with a 10 amp charger that will not over charge.also have someone look at your wiring.If you took some photo's we might be able to spot something.
Hope this helps.
Just a thought.... Would you be able to TEMPORARILY bypass your isolator and do some checks?

I once turned a Honda Civic hatchback into a micro-motorhome with a dual battery setup. After experiencing problems similar to yours I managed to determine that the isolator, tho' new, was the problem. I then went with a simple solenoid and all worked fine. This is what I use on my current FWC.


The inverter should work without the engine running.

If I've found one thing more often than not with electrical problems, its usually a bad ground. Thats where I would start.
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