Another use for the table


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2007
Just another idea for use of the table you get from FWC. I'm also thinking of putting on a backgammon board next to the chess/checker board set up. kings pawn two your move..........:)

Reminds me of the tables in older fullsize vans with the flip over center that had a game board laid out on it. :thumb:

Anyone else in the same boat as me that I haven't played a game of chess for SO long I don't really remember how? :eek:
Reminds me of the tables in older fullsize vans with the flip over center that had a game board laid out on it. :thumb:

Anyone else in the same boat as me that I haven't played a game of chess for SO long I don't really remember how? :eek:

It's been so long I don't remember the strategies, but I do remember the rules.kings pawn two your move..........:)

If I under stand you correctly, you moved your pawn 2 squares forward, so I assume we're playing with the en pas ant rule (I'm not sure how to spell that, but it describes how pawns may make there first move), then my counter move is kings pawn two.
Oh I'm in trouble now..................we may have to start another thread. Terry
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