Any Film Shooters Here?

Colorado CJ

Advanced Member
Mar 19, 2015
Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there were any film shooters here. I am a long time digital photographer, but over the past two years or so, have found myself lured into film. First with 35mm, then quickly onto medium format and for the past year or so, large format 4x5.

Its never been cheaper getting into shooting film since so many are selling their gear SO cheap. I bought a Mamiya RB67 Pro S medium format camera with 2 lenses and backs for $150.00. Just a few short years ago the kit would be worth in the thousands. I also have a complete darkroom set up with a 35mm enlarger and a 4x5 professional enlarger (Omega D5xl with color head). The whole darkroom set me back $200.00!

Anyway, I am now heavily into shooting large format film. My D600 rarely makes it on my hikes in the high country now.
Good for you!

I last shot film in 1996. Still have some unexposed rolls of 35mm film in a drawer and several old cameras that probably leak light like crazy. The weight, wait, chemicals and lack of control have kept me from going back to film. Not to mention the thousands of slides from decades ago that I need to review so I can scan a few.

I have met a couple of wedding photographers who supplement digital with medium format film. And I know a few lomography fans on-line.Then there are the landscape pros such as Oregon's Bruce Jackson who use large format film.

On a side note, I have rented a Fuji X100 camera twice because it is fun to use and has some killer film simulations without the film fuss. Fuji has the digital film look figured out. I know, not the same as real film, but it is pretty good to my eye. I particularly like the high contrast monochrome which suits many landscapes.
The last time I shot seriously with film was 1995. I remember distinctly because half my pictures didn't turn out on a vacation trip to Jamaica. It was due to a close-up lens not functioning. It didn't have to do with shooting with film other than I didn't know until I got the photos developed.

In 2000 I revived my passion for film with a cardboard disposable camera. I road my motorcycle from Edmonton, AB to the Tijuana border crossing and back up the West Coast ~5000 miles total. I had 30 shots to capture the memories :) .

Oh the good old days!!!

I appreciate the romance and benefits film provides, hopefully you are having a blast.
(I'm sticking with my Nikon DSLR though :) )
I still have my old FM2, but haven't shot it in about 15 years. It's still a nice old camera, but the modern Nikkons are so much mor convenient!
Still using my Leica M4P and M6. Chemicals for soup are getting too expensive for my wallet.

But, since I'm generally late to the dance, I'm just now looking at digital bodies.

Compounding the problem, I like the minimalist approach of the analog Leica M models. No doubt it will take me time to navigate and learn the menu trees of a new digital body and their multitude of modes.
Absolutely, I shoot film, in 35mm, 120 and 4x5. I have shot full time for a living for 28 years, used digital for 22 of them now but still pull in my best fine art print sales and commissions with black and white film. I am starting to see a fair number of the magazines I work for are now willing to put up the extra $60-$200 for me to use film on certain pieces too.

Digital is great and all, I own some of the best of it ( Nikon, Leica, Hasselblad ) but black and white film is the bomb-diggity for this guy.

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