Anybody using Discada, Carolina Cooker, Tembo Tusk Skottle, etc


Advanced Member
Jul 31, 2016
Northern Colorado
The Tembo Tusk Skottle seems to be popular at the Overland Expo recently and I wonder if anyone else is using these. I just bought a Southwest Disk 18" Madrid Discada, in preparation for a two week trip around Wyoming in about 2 weeks. I'm using a JetBoil Half Genesis single burner as my heat source and took it out on the deck for a test run. Worked well. Basically a flatter version of a wok. The Tembo and the Southwest also come with a burner but mine works well with the Half Genesis. So far. I got a propane hose to move my bottle away from the discada.

I have a Skottle and like it a lot but it gets a bit hot in the middle and takes getting used to for an experienced cook like my wife. The Coleman single burner doesn't adjust very low.
Tembo Tusk Scottle here. Heck seems like that is all I ever use anymore I love it. Get my recipes over on Expo portal ;)
I have a Skottle and agree with Stalking Light. It does take a little practice to figure out how to best cook with it as it does get quite hot directly above the heat source. Of course, I have mad skills... I can burn almost anything while cooking.
I removed the adjustment screws on my Skottle and set the burner low on the steel holder. That helps a lot for me. Stitch I bet I burn better than you ;)
XJINTX said:
I removed the adjustment screws on my Skottle and set the burner low on the steel holder. That helps a lot for me. Stitch I bet I burn better than you ;)
I read on Ex Po Forum that some folks were trying that and getting good results. I'll have to give it try next time.

I'm actively trying to lose the "Dinner Burning" competition, XJINTX, lol.
Stalking Light said:
We swapped the Coleman for a Walmart ozark trail burner and it can be adjusted to lower heat. Still experimenting.
I'd be interested to hear how that works out, Stalking Light. Even with the wind screen, that Coleman will blow out at the lowest setting.
Stitch said:
I'd be interested to hear how that works out, Stalking Light. Even with the wind screen, that Coleman will blow out at the lowest setting.
My wife says it’s much better although it is slightly smaller and we need to figure out how to center it so the skottle doesn’t get hotter slightly off center.
Ordered the 18" version from and the burner from Amazon. Of course they arrived as I was getting ready to move so hadn't had a chance to use it until last weekend. Looking forward to using it out on trips one of these days.

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These Tembo Tusks are $275!! Why not just put a small wok on a Coleman Bottle Top Propane Stove or some other heat source? A lot cheaper.
These look promising and more versatile for taking in a pop-up camper.

Can use wood, charcoal, propane fuels, and wok, Dutch oven, grill or griddle. Don’t have one but am considering one.

I got one of the Cobb grills but found it oversold what one can do with 8 charcoal briquettes plus it was difficult to clean when camping. In fairness, after having to borrow a grill to complete cooking chicken dinner the first time, I have not invested much time in trying to “master” its use.

Viking said:
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These Tembo Tusks are $275!! Why not just put a small wok on a Coleman Bottle Top Propane Stove or some other heat source? A lot cheaper.
With the price of those trendy overland products I'd try the tried and true budget version first.

I have one of those Coleman single burners and a two burner stove. Never needed more but I'm usually only cooking for 1-4 at the most. With 4 being few and far between. I recently discovered Trangia alcohol stoves and they are quite addicting. On my recent trip to Death Valley the wind was blowing hard and with the minimal windbreak of a truck tire I heated precooked burgers on the Trangia and had a great lunch without having to break out my whole camp kitchen set up.
Viking said:
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These Tembo Tusks are $275!! Why not just put a small wok on a Coleman Bottle Top Propane Stove or some other heat source? A lot cheaper.
There are indeed many ways to cook and many choices for stoves, etc. I'm not to sure I would trust myself with a wok with boiling hot oil atop that Coleman burner, especially since wok cooking usually involves a lot of action with a wok spatula, stirring everything and flipping ingredients in the hot oil. Seems like a disaster waiting to happen but to each his own. That's what I like about the Southwest setup, pictured above on its tripod burner. It is sturdy, and you can really "work it" with a proper spatula. And, in addition, the tripod can be setup away from the picnic table where a camp chef can flail about with impunity. YMMV
Awesome! I love my wok & use it almost every day. 1st off, season it.
Now for recipes, have a look at the recipes in these links, I'm sure you'll find something you & your family will like.
You're not limited to cooking just Asian food in your wok, I've made fish & chips, beef stroganoff, various soups, pastas and even doughnuts. The wok & stir-frying techniques are so versatile, you can easily adapt many recipes to the wok. Just keep it seasoned & oiled, the woks I've used tend to rust easily if you don't.


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