Attention All Members - Action Needed Related To "Read" Content


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
We have had some discussion on having threads with new posts show up as bold like in the previous forum software. I did some research on this and it seems the overall "latest post" behavior is somewhat different (and probably better) in this new software. There are two kinds of new content notifications in IPB - stuff that is new since your last visit that you find by clicking "view new content" on the upper right, and anything that a user has not read regardless of when it was posted. This unread content is marked in a forum with a little orange arrow icon to the right of the thread title. Right now most users are going to see that little icon next to all threads because we imported all the threads from another software package and the new software doesn't know what you have read. The solution to this is:

At the bottom of any forum page, click the link "Mark board as read" and that will reset all content and start keeping track of what you have read starting after you click the link.

In vbulletin the bold topics were for new posts. On this forum the orange icons are for unread topics regardless of whether they are new from your last visit. I think this scheme is going to be very useful. I could go ahead and make these bold as well if they need to stand out more but for now I want everyone to get used to how this works and then I will look for new feedback.

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