Baja Norte


Advanced Member
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego

A quick trip to Baja for a recent south swell for surf. Only one other camp and they didn't surf much. Great weather and waves. The fishermen were all friendly.

The best part is we took a puppy back with us. My wife and I have been looking for a dog. We were going to go the Baja rescue route and get one about a year old so we could spare ourselves the puppy months. I was airing my tires up after the dirt and saw a girl kicking this puppy away from her. I thought I should check it out. In the mean time at least three semis drove by. When I looked for her she was crossing the hi way to see what I was doing. I ran out and picked her up off the center line. I knew we had a new dog at that point. She would have been run over that day for sure. We crossed at Tecate and were pulled over to secondary. They never looked in cab where we had her in a crate in the back seat. My wife and two boys were stoked beyond belief to have a new pup. It was meant to be. Now we have our own little illegal alien.
Thanks for sharing a trip to a part of the west we have not visited. Really enjoyed the photos, especially the happy little boy. Illegal alien, good story.
Nice report and pics, looks like you scored. I did my first legit shakedown trip to that spot when i first got my camper. Congrats on the Baja pooch!


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Great, Our boxer only spoke Spanish when we brought her back after being abandoned. But use it or lose it, she only answers to English now.
Congrats on the pup, maybe we'll add coyote to your name...

I'm trying to plan our first trip to Baja. It will be with the wife and kids also. I was heavily swayed to wait until Feb and go see the whales. It's reassuring to see others taking their little ones into the country.

Thanks for the pics.

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