BC Camping

Hello Sage

I read the article you posted...and hope others do.

It makes sense to me what the BC Provincial authorities are doing.

I wish our authorities were willing to do the same in an effort to control the spread....

Any adult should know that this is going take a while....an abundance of caution is worth saving lives in the long run.

David Graves
I wish we'd do that here in Utah. I'd finally get to go to Zion's, Bryce, or Arches without feeling like I'm heading into mid-town Manhattan. Whether the campground is full of residents or non-residents, however, probably doesn't make much difference in terms of Covid, especially in BC where residents of Vancouver travel internationally about as much as anyone in any city in the world. I could see the logic for Alberta, but not BC. But it's a convenient excuse to get to enjoy your own place for a while.
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