Bodie Hills

As Cort said, you really know how to enjoy life, ski3pin -- outside! Thanks for sharing.
That yellow-green-yellow aspen-grove-stripes photo is particularly cool.

And, yep, you can always count on rabbitbrush to provide some nice color this time of year, one of the few late-bloomers.

Hmmm....looks like I shouldn't wait too long to get down there myself, if I want to catch the best aspen color...
Fall Color Alert! :eek:

Fall has arrived with this first cooling and bits of rain. Sounds like you two took in a wonderful anniversary trip. Actually you shared sounds, smells, and (at least) views of the trip. All great storytelling, well told.

Glad to get a confirmation, via MarkBC about the rabbitbrush. Do you concur? I really noticed the yellow flowering brush up in the Warners over Labor Day.

Wonderful photos as always. Thanks for sharing another adventure with us.

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