Buckhorn Ridge area east of Santa Maria


Mar 12, 2007
Santa Maria, CA
Sorry no pictures, I forgot the camera at home.

I set off Saturday morning, and drove to the end of Miranda Pines Rd, which is about 35 miles of dirt road, and ends around 5,000 feet elevation. The dogs and I hiked down hill about 5 miles to Montgomery Potrero, where we had a nice lunch, then returned to the truck around 4:00 PM. The weather was perfect. It was just cool enough that standing around without a jacket was a little cold, but I broke into a sweat on the return, uphill hike.

Because I always carry plenty of food and water, instead of going home, I decided to go to Wagon Flat CG, and spend the night. I went to bed some time between 9:00 (the last time I remember looking at my watch) and 10:30 when it started raining.

It rained pretty consistently throughout the night. The dog's water bowl was outside. In the morning it had about 2 inches of muddy water in it, but I don't know how much it had before the rain started.

I headed out around 8:00 am. It had stopped raining about an hour earlier, but boy, was the road slick. I stopped at the bottom of Colson Canyon Rd to check the road before driving up it. It's about a 1000' climb over almost 2 miles, but there is lots of clay that can turn to snot when it's wet and I didn't want to leave ruts.

During parts of the hick to the top (partially to ensure the gate was open), my boots gained about 2 pounds of mud each (well probably less, but it felt like 2 pounds).

I was sure my truck would make it out, but I was worried about the damage to the road I might cause. The sun was out so I decided to wait and let the road dry.

Around noon, a Game Warden came down the road and reported that it was pretty dry. Although his truck was pretty muddy, I decided to drive home. There were a few places (the same places as those which my boots gained weight) where the back end of the truck was going in a different direction than the front end, but it worked out in the end. The ruts I saw in my rear view mirror were pretty minimal, but I don't like doing that to a road, so I'll probably go there again in the next week or two so I can try to fix those ruts.
Nira Schoolhouse


I haven't been up Miranda Pines in years. It's on the list to explore now we have the truck set up. I've been planning stop at the ranger station to see if things are open into Davey Brown.

I've hiked into the Nira and have seen what I imagine is a area for the Vaqueros or where horseback riders pack into. How knowledgeable are you about the trails into that area where the Sisquoc and Nira converge? Might be worth investigating for permission to gain access through the gates and various properties. Get enough people together and do a trail run with trucks?
As you may know, in the aftermath of the Zaca fire, the USFS closed much of burned area of the back country of northern part of Santa Barbara County , but all the restrictions as a result of that closer have been lifted.

I'm familiar with Nira CG on the Manzana Creek and where Manzana Creek joins the Sisquoc River, but I don't know of any roads there. I've back packed through lot of that area, but I'm not sure of the area of which you speak.
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