Camping along US Highway 83


New Member
Mar 27, 2016
Laguna Beach, CA / Crestone, CO
Point me to an existing thread if I missed it, but I'm planning an August trip with my ATC Ocelot along US Hwy. 83 from the Canadian border with North Dakota to Brownsville, TX - timed to see the eclipse somewhere in Nebraska. I'm interested in recommendations for campgrounds on or near this highway anywhere along this route. I don't mind paying but open to legal primitive sites as well. Any help will be appreciated!
Some spots in Nebraska are all I know about along US 83.

Directly on US 83 in the Nebraska Sandhills is Valentine National Wildlife Refuge. Some NWRs have campgrounds--dunno if this one does. Southwest of the town of Valentine, the Merritt Reservoir is home to a State Recreation Area and a NF campground or two within the Samuel McKelvie Nat Forest. A little south of Valentine NWR is the town of Thedford, where US 83 crosses NE-2, the "Sandhills Scenic Journey" highway. Around 10 mi southeast of Thedford is the Nebraska NF campground at Bessey, on the west side of Halsey. Nice facility and I've spent 3 nights there. Only problem with anything along NE-2 is the coal trains which run 24/7. The access road to the CG off of NE-2 crosses the tracks, so the train horns blow all night long.

Cool trip! US 83 is the 4th longest highway in the US. It won't take you to the end of the world, but you can dang sure see it from US 83!

You can boondock in the Sandhills as long as you are on the National Forest land. Last trip through we found a nice spot not far from Thedford. We are considering a trip down there for the eclipse also. Here's a couple pics (from the blog


takesiteasy - Thanks for the suggestion, that looks great. I've been looking for a place to safely and legally boondock (now that I know the term) and this should do the trick and fit my itinerary. My wife was born in Hastings so we will likely view the eclipse from there, although I am tempted by the noon start time of the Lincoln Saltdogs minor league team which will feature an eclipse delay!
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