Canoe fishing and camping.


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2014
On the wrong side of the mountains!
I have a good friend. We have been fishing and camping, and boating together for a very long time. Don't see him as much lately as he moved to Vermont when he retired. A couple of weeks ago he was down here and we went fishing.

We have a regular spot on a gravel bar beach on an island in the Potomac river. Not far from DC. It's a ratty little beach and I wouldn't want to sleep on the ground there. But the location is perfect for shuttling gear in my bass boat or the canoes for an overnighter. It's very close to the ramp. Mid week you have the river to yourself and it's a nice place to sit and chill.

A couple of weeks ago the water was way low. Too low for my outboard jet! So we used our solo canoes. This was late July and though it had cooled down a little it was hotter than sin for this trip.
A view upriver from camp.

Did I mention it was hot and there is no shade where we camp. We've been camping in these "Tent-Cots" for a few years now. Perfect for this purpose.

1st day was set up camp and fish around the area until evening. Then build a fire, eat, and enjoy and adult beverage.

2nd day. Paddle to the ramp and shuttle upstream about 15 miles away and float back to camp while fishing.

Rough life!

Beach stop for wade fishing and a stretch.

It was hot and I love my Umbrella! I use them on all my boats.

End of the day.

My stubby little solo in camp.

Final morning near daybreak.

Last day we loaded all the camp crap in the boats and headed downstream to my waiting truck a few miles away.
Are there still smallmouths that far down the Potomac, or is it all largemouths just above DC? Either way, how did you do?

Thanks folks. Foy there are Smallies from the source to the bay. A few Greenies but most of them are in tidal water. This is a good ways above that.

Fishing was fine. Didn't catch any monsters this trip though.
So pretty! I used to go fishing with my grandpa in our canoe on the lakes back home. You pics remind me of those idyllic days. Thanks for sharing.

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