Carson Pass Information Center


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
I was inspired by Ski's Carson Route TR to post this video of the Carson Pass Information Center. A few years ago my wife and I along with 2 friends were backpacking from Tamarack Lake to Echo Lake. The 2nd day one of our friends developed a severe blister on his heel and was obviously struggling. We were 4 miles from Carson Pass and it was late in the afternoon when my wife and our other friend decided to run up to the volunteer center hoping we could get someone to stay late and give our injured friend a ride back to our car near Upper Blue Lake. I stayed back with my hobbled friend carrying as much of his gear as I could and kept him company to cheer him along. We finally made it the Info Center where a volunteer was waiting after closing time to drive our friend back to our car so he could drive back to Sacramento. I don't know what we would have done if not for the wonderful volunteers at Carson Pass Info Center.
Our friend Trailer Woman mentioned in several of our blog stories has worked as a volunteer at Carson Pass for two years now. Staying and helping with rides is a common occurrence for these wonderful people. I will pass on your story.
ski3pin said:
Our friend Trailer Woman mentioned in several of our blog stories has worked as a volunteer at Carson Pass for two years now. Staying and helping with rides is a common occurrence for these wonderful people. I will pass on your story.
Thanks!! Also, special thanks to all of you SAR volunteers who get up in the middle of the night to help those in need!!

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