Changed to Lithium Battery - A big thank you to Vic

Dec 18, 2020
Ventura County, CA
For the last few months I have been researching on how to convert from my 2 6 volt batteries to a 12 volt Battleborn lithium battery. I also wanted to change the MPPT controller and add a Victron 712 battery monitor and the needed shunt. I knew nothing about how the FWC was wired or how things worked electrical. I asked a lot of question on this forum, and learned a lot as well from all of you. I was however still very lost and had a million questions.

I have to give a HUGE shoutout and THANK YOU to Vic. Vic has helped me tremendously and has been so patient with me. As I stated before, I am a total newbie to all this electrical stuff and to be honest, it's been overwhelming to me. Thanks to Vic, I now have my lithium Battleborn battery installed and working with the Victron 712 bluetooth battery monitor and the Victron MPPT controller. Everything is working great!!!!

I would also like to thank all the others who have helped and answered my questions. Great bunch of people you all are.
Yes Vic and the rest of the gurus here convinced me to go LifeP04 instead of AGM. I need to put a monitor in but won't happen during the winter! I went Battleborn with a 170W Zamp system. So far so good!
I will add my own kudos to Vic. He helped us out a lot in planning the electrical for our new rig. My eyes just glass over when it comes to all things electrical, so his advice was made my wife and I much more comfortable with our choices.
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