

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2011
Port Angeles
I have followed WTW for several years and have really enjoyed the conversations.
Members share their stories, adventures and technical advise with out scorn from others. Recently I have noticed that is changing somewhat with a few replies to questions or statements have been met with basic contempt. I really hope this does not continue as it takes the joy out of reading the posts on this site.
Captm, thanks for posting your concern and the reminder to be civil, a reminder that we all can use! It's nice that most folks on this site care enough to post up their concerns as you have.

As a reminder to everyone, you can use the "report post" button if you see something that needs to be brought to the site team members or admin people. We appreciate the help.

Lets all try hard to keep the posts on WTW on subject, respectful of others differing views, and something you would be proud to have your mother read.

If anyone has concerns here on WTW, please know that the site team members are friendly, approachable, and would much rather "nip things in the bud" than put out a fire. We are happy we rarely need to wield the big stick but do know we have power and will use it when necessary. All it takes is a click or two.

Personally, I appreciate the overall tone and quality of the posts here on WTW and will work hard on civility and respect for others so this remains such a nice spot on the web.

Captm, thanks again.
I guess we do sometimes get carried away with our comments and forget not everyone believes as we do; sorry, but the difference between a good discussion done with civility and something else much worse can happen when we let it.

I tend to enjoy an edgy debate when passion is at the root of the comments. Very little tolerance when someone is being just plain mean.
I have yet to see WTW devolve to what I've seen on other sites. Yet, if I go over the line or even seem to please, call me on it. None of us are perfect.
Hopefully, this will be received in the spirit intended, which is 'don't feed the troll' when a thread starts to go down hill. I find Samuel Clemens always has an appropriate thought on most subjects.

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." –Mark Twain
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