CO Detector Replace?


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2007
Portland OR
My CCI CO detector started beeping today - 4 alarms, every 60 seconds. Then I read on the face plate "Replace by 2010 July". Guess what, it's July 2010. I assume the sensor has a 5 year life and it has kept count of the days.

Any suggestions on replacement CO detectors?
The easiest thing to do might be to go to your local hardware store and buy a battery operated carbon monoxide sensor to replace your older outdated one.

Maybe something like this ...

Unscrew the old sensor in your camper now, cut the wires, carefully tape off the bare wires, and re-install the old sensor.

Then mount a new battery operated CO2 sensor somewhere in the camper that looks good to you.

The CCI company went out of business, so finding a replacement might not be easy.

Hope this helps.

Happy Camping !



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I just bought an '05 Hawk and had a lot of trouble trying to find flush-mount alarms to replace the almost-expired CCI ones.

MTI industries/Safe T Alert is now about the only company producing 12V propane and CO detectors. I found that the "Classic 30 series" propane alarm fits in the flush-mount hole almost perfectly, and looks great, so I now have a new flush-mount propane alarm.

However, they don't (yet??) appear to make the similar 30-series CO flush-mount detectors. All their CO detectors are a totally different shape, and many are surface mount.

I do see however on their website that they make a COMBO LP/CO alarm that is listed as flush-mount, and virtually the same dimensions as the old CCI alarm (in fact in says it fits in the CCI cut-out). See

I will probably replace my almost-expired CO alarm with one of these dual flush-mount pieces. If I had known I would have just made a plate to cover up the old propane alarm, but now I'll have some redundancy in that system, which I suppose isn't a bad thing.

Hope that helps!

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