Contributors guide - Area contributions & Trip Reports


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
I had an inquiry as to the best way to start contributing the geographic areas part of the site while at the same time posting trip reports related to the area contributions. I thought I would create a guide on the best way to contribute to areas and trip reports that will result in a great and lasting resource in the geographical areas section, and create interesting trip reports.

Step 1: Post your photos in the gallery
Post your photos under the appropriate area subgallery of a state gallery. If the area you are working with is not yet a subgallery, you can add the photos to the state gallery instead. If your photos are related to a spot in our geographical areas database, please associate the photo with that spot.

Photos are resized to a maximum dimension of 900 pixels. Uploading photos at 900 pixels is ideal (bigger is truly better) but is not a requirement. Note that while photos larger than 900 pixels will be resized by the software to the appropriate dimensions, the server has a file size limit of 2 megabytes. Therefore if you download your photos right out of your camera and they are 3.5 megabytes each, you won't be able to upload them. If your photo album software allow you to export photos at a certain dimension, and for example you export them all as 1260 pixels each, then you should be able to upload them fine and they will be resized to 900 pixels in the gallery.

If you ever have any questions about photo handling please feel free to shoot a Site Team member a message!

Do you feel a spot should be added to the database?
If you want a new spot added please send a Site Team member a message and we'll see what we can do. Please note that all of our spots are map driven by GPS coordinates so we will need those coordinates either from the USGS place names database, or in the case of a spot not in the USGS databse, we will need the coordinates from a handheld GPS device.

Is there a mountain range, refuge, forest, or other area that you would like to see added as an geographical area?
If you have an area you would like to contribute to, and it is missing from the database, shoot a Site Team member a message and we can discuss adding it.

Step 2: Embed your gallery photos in your trip report
If your photos are of a recent trip and you want to create a trip report in addition to your area contributions, please embed your gallery photos in your trip report (as many as you like - no need to embed all of your area photos if there were a lot of them).

While this may seem like a tedious process, once you have done it once I think you will find it is pretty easy. First, open two browser windows, one with your trip report that you are writing in the Trip Reports forum, and another with the gallery so that you can access the images you just uploaded. Below each of your images in the image detail page there is a block "image details". In that block there is a field "BBcode". If you copy the entire contents of that field, and paste it in a forum post, that image will be displayed in the post. That is all there is to it and there is no need to use the image button in the editor in addition to the BBcode.


Result: You have made a meaningful contribution to what is becoming a fantastic user-created resource here at WTW!

Thanks to everyone who has contributed thus far!
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