Hello All,
So much good information on this site. I couldn't help but try to contribute to all the good will out there.
It seems quite a few folks like to post stories about their new camper. In the spirit of the modern day narcisism I am stoked to finally have one of my own and then tell the world about it. I recently picked up my new Phoenix pop up camper that I had built for my Toyota Tacoma. It is one heck of a solid rig and we're excited for two extended trips in the near future out to California from Colorado.
I spent 3 years looking at sites like Wander the West, Expedition Portal and others to determine what I wanted. It was between FWC and Phoenix. Both had their unique qualities but I chose to go with Phoenix. I was not dissapointed. Cari and Rob at Phoenix were terrific to work with and literally put up with my fifty thousand or so questions in addition to the countless reworks of the plan before finally deciding on a build.
I've attached a photo. I hope to add more in time. If anyone wanted to know any specifics just let me know.
BTW, no idea how to spell check on this site, sorry.
So much good information on this site. I couldn't help but try to contribute to all the good will out there.
It seems quite a few folks like to post stories about their new camper. In the spirit of the modern day narcisism I am stoked to finally have one of my own and then tell the world about it. I recently picked up my new Phoenix pop up camper that I had built for my Toyota Tacoma. It is one heck of a solid rig and we're excited for two extended trips in the near future out to California from Colorado.
I spent 3 years looking at sites like Wander the West, Expedition Portal and others to determine what I wanted. It was between FWC and Phoenix. Both had their unique qualities but I chose to go with Phoenix. I was not dissapointed. Cari and Rob at Phoenix were terrific to work with and literally put up with my fifty thousand or so questions in addition to the countless reworks of the plan before finally deciding on a build.
I've attached a photo. I hope to add more in time. If anyone wanted to know any specifics just let me know.
BTW, no idea how to spell check on this site, sorry.