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I'm new here.
I'm Thom and I'm a technodork. Some may recognize my user from other forums. I've been using it exclusively since 1996, so if it looks familiar it was probably me. Sorry about that.
Based in Ventura, CA since 1969 and have a fair amount of the west Mojave under my belt. Now looking to extend my range a bit more. Also spent all of my childhood summers in Central Oregon (south Powell Butte Highway three places north of the junction with Alfalfa Rd. for you locals), so I have some exposure to that region as well. My grandfather (in Powell Butte) started me working on things mechanical at an early age, the second grade. I consider it an apprenticeship "program." We also went for a one week minimum camping trip every summer, sometimes longer. In addition we also made Paulina fire wood trips, fishing trips, and just general poking around.
Current fleet includes a '91 Suburban (For sale), an '84 Toyota Xcab ("Patch", one picture and you'll know why), and an '84 FJ60 undergoing a 5.7L TPI/700R4/NP241 transplant. When done it will tow our VentureCraft TrailBlazer trailer. Plan is to have it finished and sorted well enough to take on our honeymoon to SE Utah next Spring.
I'm Thom and I'm a technodork. Some may recognize my user from other forums. I've been using it exclusively since 1996, so if it looks familiar it was probably me. Sorry about that.
Based in Ventura, CA since 1969 and have a fair amount of the west Mojave under my belt. Now looking to extend my range a bit more. Also spent all of my childhood summers in Central Oregon (south Powell Butte Highway three places north of the junction with Alfalfa Rd. for you locals), so I have some exposure to that region as well. My grandfather (in Powell Butte) started me working on things mechanical at an early age, the second grade. I consider it an apprenticeship "program." We also went for a one week minimum camping trip every summer, sometimes longer. In addition we also made Paulina fire wood trips, fishing trips, and just general poking around.
Current fleet includes a '91 Suburban (For sale), an '84 Toyota Xcab ("Patch", one picture and you'll know why), and an '84 FJ60 undergoing a 5.7L TPI/700R4/NP241 transplant. When done it will tow our VentureCraft TrailBlazer trailer. Plan is to have it finished and sorted well enough to take on our honeymoon to SE Utah next Spring.