Darland Mt. south of Rimrock Lake Wa.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2019
darland camp.jpgJust got back from camping a couple of nights at Darland Mt.. Darland Mt is one of the highest elevations in Washington that you can drive to, 6900+ ft. of elevation.
You should have 4 wheel drive the last couple of miles is extremely rocky. You have quite a view, you can see Mt.Adams, Mt.Rainier, Goat Rocks, and Yakima from up there, also what I thought was cool you are on the flight pass of military jets zooming up the canyons.
The first night it rained a little with some lighting, the forest service fire crew was out the next morning investigating any lighting strikes to make sure there was no smoldering fires to grow into a bigger problem. The second night was strong winds that destroyed a pop up we had for a kitchen area, the other people who were with me were sleeping in tents. My Bobcat held up great. We had planned on three nights but the other guys had enough and only stayed two. The soil around there is a very fine silt.
One other thing I wanted to address is that recently I saw a post about turnbuckle tightness. I check mine often, first I snug them done by hand and then another half turn or so, also I have jam nuts on them too. When we got to the top of Darland Mt. I checked my turnbuckles and they were all loose, I snugged them up again for the ride home. They were fine when I got home. I believe you want them snug when you go off road, also I have safety chains on my front mounts.
That is Mt.Adams behind my truck.
Thanks for the trip report. Looks very do-able at this time of year!
That is a beautiful area. I used to be on the forest service fire crew in that area. After every lightning bust we would roshambo to see who would get to go up there.
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