Death Valley Weather Heads Up


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2016
Boise, ID
You might want to check out the weather link below if you are, or will be, in DVNP this week.
Part of the forecast discussion includes the following:

HREF data Tuesday night
illustrates the potential of several narrow bands of heavier rain
tracking across Death Valley NP. Based on that guidance, I did
increase the QPF for Furnace Creek over that from WPC. Typically we
can see some minor flooding on roadways in Death Valley from about a
0.25" of rain. Parts of Death Valley could see between 0.50"-1" so
I`d expect more widespread flooding potential. Due to good model
consistency and the higher QPF I will be issuing a Flash Flood Watch
for all of Inyo County and northwest San Bernardino County. Again,
our main focus will be for Death Valley NP and southern Inyo


We came out of DV a couple of days ago (we camped near Ashford Mill ruin, just over a mile up Scotty's mine road, opposite the mill). Tuesday evening was quite the series of heavy rain squalls. Driving north Wed morning there was gravel, sand and water on the roads, but no major flood debris like we have seen in previous years. Came out at Beatty and had clear skies by the time we got to Goldfield.

No way would we have been in any of the side canyons during the storms.

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