Dog Delivery from NM to MT


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
I had this foster dog for about 8 months

They finally found a home for him but in Bellingham, WA and I didn't want to stick him in a cargo compartment in the summer and I was planning to head North anyway so we agreed to make the hand off in Thompson Fall, MT. And then I bought a motorcycle in Denver so I was going swing through there on the way North.

I sought some local advice from Stew :) and he pointed me to Cordova Pass as a good stop, West from Walsenberg CO by the Spanish Peaks Wilderness. A simple campsite, 11,000'+, nice trails

In the morning took two of the pooches for a hike, then the bad happened, trip changed :eek:
The foster dog, a young and energetic boy, was racing around as he can be prone to do, then disappeared, which he is not prone to do. Turns out he ran into a log, or a stump, or something and ended up like this

Obviously needed some help so down the mountain, onto the internet, and we located a weekend dog hospital in Pueblo. 70 stitches, a few staples, general anesthetic and 2 hours of surgery and a lot of $$$ and you get this

And a few hours later

Not knowing what was going to happen I aborted the trip to Denver and after telling the new doggie parents what happened headed to Montana. Pooch was pretty good, down on energy but at times too much. Anyway that night we camped along the Arkansas River

and the next day headed up Independence Pass, all paved and busy at the top but a very pretty spot. On the way up, yes I do travel with quite a few dogs :oops:

And then my camera started to crap out :( now off for repairs. Some suggestions from this trip.
SE Idaho, Nice camp, Palisade, just off 26 West of Jackson, WY. Good for avoiding the Jackson tourists.
Montana/Idaho border, Lost Trail Pass, nice campground on the Montana side. Surprised that no one else was there, forest rats everywhere.
Thompson Falls State Park, went there just as a reliable meet up place to hand off the dog. On the river but also by road construction and a busy railroad track :(
Best camp spot award goes to Seven Devils in the Hell's Canyon rec area accessed from Riggins ID by an 18 mile 5000' upgrade. The trailhead was full, the campground nearly empty (on a Saturday night) beautiful views and hiking, little lake by the camp, visited by a very curious Black/Red Fox combination, started chewing on the dogs line. Here is a pic from someone else.

Idaho/NV border on 225 has a nice little camp along the river, decent stop over, North of Wild Horse Res.
Spent a night at Great Basin NP, great views but busier than the other places we stayed.
Same at Colorado National Monument, a beautiful park people often pass by, busier than I prefer, campsites do have great views but strange in that a few thousand feet down and a few miles out you are looking at civilization, Grand Junction, CO.
From there I was headed back to Denver to pick up the motorcycle and figured going through Rocky Mountain National Park would be nice. It was, nice Elk herds, wonderful vistas, and of course during the peak season plenty of tourists. The campsites in the park, at least as you come in from Granby and the West, looked sucky for sure. An open field full of campers. Instead go to Willow Creek Res just a few miles South of the park and a couple miles West of 34. No boat motors, quiet campground, very nice stop :) Stew had recommended the older Fall River road, one way East to West, but it was closed from avalanche damage (now open :( )
From there I just headed to Denver, picked up the trials bike, and headed out of town asap on 285 and camped in a FS site at Kenosha Pass. Surprisingly to me all the sites were reserved for the weekend but since we were just there for the Thursday overnight we were good. I guess it is close enough to Denver to be very popular.

Made it back to S. NM the next day. Man there is just a lot of great territory out there. Best spots of this trip, Seven Devils Mountains and Hell's Canyon, Cordova Pass and the Spanish Peaks, Independence Pass, of course Rocky Mountain NP but best not in summer, and I almost forgot, Fossil Butte National Monument off US30 in West WY.
I'm glad to hear the (repaired) pup found his new home. For sure, we don't call you Bark-O for nothin'. :D
Ouch, another inch or so and that would of really hurt!

Really respect what your doing helping out the k9s. If it was me, I would end up with a houseful of dogs, once I get to know them I could never let go. Are you with a particular rescue group?

Thanks for the report.
This dog and a previous delivery were from the Catahoula Rescue. Dogs are good but their admin is shaky. Kept listing the dog in the NW and now mysteriously they seem hard to connect with after telling them I have a large vet bill. I have a feelings they'll blame me as the dog was unleashed. This guy was hard to part with in part because he was pretty anxious about the deal and didn't want to leave me :( But he has warmed up to his new home and is in good hands. The Vet said he might pee to the left but from what I could tell he is still a straight pee'r! I imagine I'm preachin to the choir but please, no more litters!

Ouch, another inch or so and that would of really hurt!

Really respect what your doing helping out the k9s. If it was me, I would end up with a houseful of dogs, once I get to know them I could never let go. Are you with a particular rescue group?

Thanks for the report.
Great job Barko. Not many people would pay Big Bucks and then hand over the dog to new owners.
You have a big heart for these animals. You said in your post Forest rats. Being from the midwest what are these.
You said in your post Forest rats. Being from the midwest what are these.

You have plenty, and fatter ones I suspect, good old deer. Mule Deer mostly here, especially hated when you hit one with your motorcycle :mad: As for the dog, I've wasted money on worse, had to get him stitched, and he's got a good home. Bottom line the dogs give back a whole lot. And my travels with three is easier than with four :LOL:
Stuff like that is what makes me want to learn how to do my own stitches. Nice scenic trip. More places to add to the wishlist.

Interesting, to me forest rats are squirrels and chipmunks, rats with pretty tails.

Regional differences I guess :LOL:

Oops, I left one dog out
God Bless you for doing what you do!!!! I love dogs too but if I had one for 8 months there is no way I cold give him up!!!

I'm embarrassed to say I have lived in Idaho all my life and still pass through Riggins several times per year and have never visited Seven Devils. But I would like to take my wife but she NEEDS her 18' trailer!!! Could I make it up there towing that?
God Bless you for doing what you do!!!! I love dogs too but if I had one for 8 months there is no way I cold give him up!!!

I'm embarrassed to say I have lived in Idaho all my life and still pass through Riggins several times per year and have never visited Seven Devils. But I would like to take my wife but she NEEDS her 18' trailer!!! Could I make it up there towing that?

The sign says trailers not recommended so of course I hauled my little trailer up :D It didn't say "no trailers" and I think horse trailers regularly make the trip. Now my trailer body is only about 6'. I think it is possible to get up there, the tightest spots are probably in the campground, it is a short shelf road to get the last 1/2 to camp. You might want to keep the trailer down below and just run up to take a look from the overview and check the road for yourself. I will say I was very happy to have my recently added additional trans cooler. I wasn't paying the attention I should have and when I did look the temps were getting up there so I just locked it in second and by then I was nearly at the top anyway. Without it might have been hotter than I like, it is about a 5000' climb in 16 miles with switchbacks.

And here is a thread that might pertain to your bike:
The sign says trailers not recommended so of course I hauled my little trailer up :D It didn't say "no trailers" and I think horse trailers regularly make the trip. Now my trailer body is only about 6'. I think it is possible to get up there, the tightest spots are probably in the campground, it is a short shelf road to get the last 1/2 to camp. You might want to keep the trailer down below and just run up to take a look from the overview and check the road for yourself. I will say I was very happy to have my recently added additional trans cooler. I wasn't paying the attention I should have and when I did look the temps were getting up there so I just locked it in second and by then I was nearly at the top anyway. Without it might have been hotter than I like, it is about a 5000' climb in 16 miles with switchbacks.

And here is a thread that might pertain to your bike:

Thanks so much!!! :cool:
Dang those were some cuts! Must have hit a jagged blow down or something at speed.

That is kind of what I figured. A couple weeks before he was running crazy and ran into my trailer tongue at speed, let out a yelp from that but was good to go pretty quick. I was thinking he could have broken some ribs on that one. Kind of wish I had a little bit of his energy :LOL:
I love dogs and people that take good care of them. Good job and nice trip report.
Thanks all! Hell's Canyon is a pretty cool area. Big for rafting, I just hit one spot, went for elevation as it was pretty warm, still had snow up there, beautiful little lakes. Be interesting to explore the Oregon side as well. And the pooch is doing well :D

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