DV artifacts stolen

I agree Lighthawk. This was a plea deal. He was charged with 21 counts. He pled guilty to 2. Max fine is $40,000. Part of the plea bargain was agreement to pay restitution of $250,000. How does the doc feel about this? And I'm not talking about the nice words he'll say before the judge at sentencing. What does he tell his friends? His family?

I'd honestly like to know that he learned a lesson and he'll feel the need to do all he can to make this right.

And if he doesn't? I hope he never has a restful night's sleep the rest of his life.
I don't think he will learn his lesson, they never do-they seem to think it is their right to do it! I remember one case I was involved with that after we caught him-a history teacher on less-tried him before a US Federal court, sent him to jail, then put him on probation and we caught him again-while on probation-digging up another site. Well back to jail he went and I was given several boxes of artifacts with minimal information on when , where and how they were collected. At least he kept a map of the general location of where he dug the stuff up and that helped greatly in his conviction (my job was to take his map and go find where the sites were and testify as to where they were in court as a expert witness).

What happened to the artifacts ? I gave them to UNR to try do some analysis on them. In general terms, they provided only limited information concerning the " Who,the When and the Why"---the things that we need to figure what was going on out there-the cultural history of the area! What we call "unprovienced artifacts" add little to field archaeology and the following analysis because our science-as it is-is partially based on uncovering artifacts in their exact locations, depth and context and things that are not recorded that way add little to our knowledge! While a point or some other artifact can be usually be typed to a certain date and use, is was because it was found and identified in context enough times to say the "when, were and how about it" Today those artifacts are being used to train new archaeologists and others on the type of artifacts that can be found out there. Enough said! Get me around a camp fire at night some time, with a beer and I could tell you guys some stories about about the wonderful and never ending world of trying to catch and stop these people!

Good thing the courts don't ask all of us if we would like to sentence this piece of crap. I'm sure we have varying degrees of punishment for him. Glad they caught him and hope he is sorry, doubtful.
Smokecreek1 said:
Get me around a camp fire at night some time, with a beer and I could tell you guys some stories about about the wonderful and never ending world of trying to catch and stop these people!

Sounds like an interesting conversation. :ninja:
Smokecreek1 said:
I don't think he will learn his lesson, they never do-they seem to think it is their right to do it! I remember one case I was involved with that after we caught him-a history teacher on less-tried him before a US Federal court, sent him to jail, then put him on probation and we caught him again-while on probation-digging up another site. Well back to jail he went and I was given several boxes of artifacts with minimal information on when , where and how they were collected. At least he kept a map of the general location of where he dug the stuff up and that helped greatly in his conviction (my job was to take his map and go find where the sites were and testify as to where they were in court as a expert witness).

What happened to the artifacts ? I gave them to UNR to try do some analysis on them. In general terms, they provided only limited information concerning the " Who,the When and the Why"---the things that we need to figure what was going on out there-the cultural history of the area! What we call "unprovienced artifacts" add little to field archaeology and the following analysis because our science-as it is-is partially based on uncovering artifacts in their exact locations, depth and context and things that are not recorded that way add little to our knowledge! While a point or some other artifact can be usually be typed to a certain date and use, is was because it was found and identified in context enough times to say the "when, were and how about it" Today those artifacts are being used to train new archaeologists and others on the type of artifacts that can be found out there. Enough said! Get me around a camp fire at night some time, with a beer and I could tell you guys some stories about about the wonderful and never ending world of trying to catch and stop these people!

Thanks, Smoke, for helping to convict these cretins. We would love to hear your stories. They are the "entitled".
Banned for three years from public lands? I'd say a lifetime ban would be more appropriate.

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